Tag: Jerome Avenue

Bronx BP Diaz Jr’s ‘New Bronx’ Isn’t For All—Unless You Can Afford It 

It’s been a while since we’ve heard Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr utter the words ‘New Bronx’, something we’ve been vocally against along with legions of Bronxites.
But he doesn’t have to, the damage is done and it’s already embedded in the psyche of people from billionaire developers of the oligarchy to the working poor who make our beautiful Bronx run.

The Village Voice published an article titled, ‘Brooklynizing The Bronx: Will The Boogie Down’s Boom Leave Thousands of Workers in The Dust?’ which examines, among many things, Ruben Diaz Jr’s ties to real estate interests and his lack of advocacy for the auto workers of Jerome Avenue who are facing displacement and loss of thousands of jobs as the area faces rezoning.