Then & Now: Old Photos of The Bronx

We’re back for another look at old photographs of The Bronx. Most of these images are from 100 or more years ago and are from the New-York Historical Society’s Digital Collections. So much has changed and yet some are still so recognizable if you look hard enough. It’s always fascinating to think about who lived…

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ICE Courthouse Arrests Increase by 1,700% Under Trump Administration; The Bronx 4th Hardest Hit County

Since Trump took office in 2017, ICE arrests at courthouses across New York State have increased an alarming 1,700% and The Bronx is the fourth hardest hit according to a new report issued by the Immigrant Defense Project. Even more disturbing is that these arrests have increased in brutality and not just geographic scope across…

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Unable to Compete With National Chains, Another Beloved Bronx Diner Closes

After serving our borough for 37 years, Pelham Bay Diner has closed its doors forever. Citing growing competition with big fast food chains in recent years, the owner has stated he had no choice but to close. Rumors have been circulating that the property had been sold but a search of public records have revealed…

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Hidden Waters of The Bronx’s New York Botanical Garden

The following was originally published over at Hidden Waters Blog, a companion blog to the amazing Hidden Waters of NYC book by Sergey Kadinsky, and reprinted with permission. The green lung at the center of the city’s northern borough is Bronx Park, designed to function as the Bronx’s counterpart to Central Park and Prospect Park. But shortly after its acquisition…

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NYPD to Target Three Bronx Precincts in Gentrifying Neighborhoods With High Crime Rates

All neighborhoods in the Bronx and across New York City deserve to have low crime rates and resident should live without fear that they will be a victim of a violent crime whether they live in an economically affluent area or a low-income neighborhood. In order to accomplish that, NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill is directing…

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BREAKING: New East Bronx Metro North Stations & Penn Station Access Back on Track as Amtrak & MTA Reach an Agreement.

Lohud is reporting that at a meeting this morning, MTA officials announced that the agency’s disagreements with Amtrak have been resolved on using its rails for the long-awaited Penn Station Access Project, which would bring four new Metro North Stations to the East Bronx. Amtrak has basically been holding the project hostage for years now…

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