Some say that the mozzarella made at Casa Della Mozzarella is the best this side…
Despite reassurances last week from the New York City Department of Health regarding two cases…
Here’s another thing we can add to the list of things that ails our borough:…
One lucky person in The Bronx purchased the single-winning ticket for the New York State…
Next stop: Rita Moreno! Called City of Women, the New York City subway map was…
Last year saw tens of thousands of pizza lovers descend upon New York City’s REAL…
MELROSE—A four alarm fire that started this morning around 5AM at a Dunkin’ Donuts quickly spread and destroyed five other businesses before the FDNY could get it under control. The blaze and…
Overdose Deaths Continue to Increase in The Bronx Despite Overall Drop in New York City
For the first time in 7 years, overdose death rates in New York City have dropped. According to New York City Department of Health, NYC saw a 3% drop in such deaths in 2018 compared to 2017 however, The Bronx continues to see a rise in overdoses. In 2018, our borough saw an increase of…
A Year After Launch, The Bronx’s Soundview Ferry Service Exceeds Expectations
Last year NYC Ferry kicked off its service in The Bronx at Clason Point in Soundview offering relief to a transit-starved community and cutting commute times by as much as half in many cases. For people who worked downtown, they saw their commutes go from as much as 90 minutes to as little as just…
Top 10 Bronx Neighborhoods With Most Street Trees
The folks over at sent Welcome2TheBronx their latest report, this time they’ve analyzed street tree density across all New York City neighborhoods in the five boroughs. Although The Bronx is the greenest borough with the most land dedicated to parks (nearly a full 25% of The Bronx is parkland), we didn’t make it to…
Old Pictures of The Grand Concourse
Every now and again we get lost in the New York Public Library’s Digital Collections and we like to share some of our findings with our readers. Today we’re taking a stroll down the Grand Concourse, the beautiful and grand boulevard in The Bronx designed by French immigrant Louis Aloys Risse using Paris’ Champs Élysées…
Bronx Made & Iconic New York Public Library Lion Statues, Patience & Fortitude to Get Repairs
108 years ago, the Italian brothers known as the Piccirilli Brothers carved one of New York City’s most iconic statues: The lions standing guard at the New York Public Library’s main branch known as Patience and Fortitude. Now these treasures will soon be undergoing routine maintenance and work and will be covered up as they…
REPORT: The Bronx’s Westchester Square & Cypress Avenue Stations on the 6 Among City’s Most Deteriorated
A new report released by New York State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli this passed Friday reveals that as of 2017, not one of The Bronx’s 70 subway stations were in good condition with each one showing structural deficiencies in one form or another. According to the report, this is an increase from 2012 when 12 stations…