BREAKING NEWS: Bronx Public Schools Closed Due to Coronavirus to Reopen Tomorrow After City Finds No Positive Test for COVID-19

New York City Department of Education Chancellor Richard Carranza said in a tweet moments ago that the city determined there was no positive test for COVID-19 in connection to the two schools closed today after reports of a student who had allegedly tested positive for coronavirus. Chancellor Carranza went on to further state that the…

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The Bronx is the Second Loudest Borough in NYC

Here’s something we can be cool with not being in first place. According to a new report by, Brooklyn is the nosiest borough in New York City as per noise complaints filed between January 2019 and February 2020. Noisiest Boroughs in NYCInfogram The Bronx came in right behind at number two with the top…

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Top Five Pizza Shops in The Bronx

We don’t think there’s a topic more controversial as who has the best pizza in The Bronx (well maybe the age old question: Sauce or Gravy). Seriously though, whenever we post about pizza it’s an all out war in the comments section all across social media! So this year, rather than letting outsiders come to…

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