Picture of the Day

As seen on a Harley on Elton Avenue between East 157th and East 158th Streets.…

Ed García CondeThe "Mayor" of Melrose http:/www.welcome2melrose.comthemayor@welcome2melrose.com347-92-MELRO (347-926-3576)

Pet of the Day

Meet Champaign and Lucky – our pets of the day.  They were out and about…


Fun in the Sun

What do fellow Melrose residents do when the weather is this warm? We head to the parks of course!  The new track and field next to the old Yankee Stadium offers a great place to run, play soccer or just sit a spell…but it isn't even complete yet and there is still work to be…

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Picture of the Day

Melrose is blooming… Ed García CondeThe "Mayor" of Melrose http:/www.welcome2melrose.comthemayor@welcome2melrose.com347-92-MELRO (347-926-3576)

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Pet of the Day

Meet Rafael Alejandro, or Ralphy for short.  Ralphy lives at The Aurora Condominiums and enjoys nice walks around the community. If you see this beautiful schnauzer make sure you say hi! Ed García CondeThe "Mayor" of Melrose http:/www.welcome2melrose.comthemayor@welcome2melrose.com347-92-MELRO (347-926-3576)

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Melrose Receives First and Only Stage II Silver Certification for Neighorhood Development in New York State

For so many decades Melrose had the reputation of being the wasteland of the Bronx – and now this has changed with the national spotlight being directed on our wonderful neighborhood yet again.  This time, however, it is in the form of positive recognition.  On February 24, 2010 the United States Green Building Council (USGBC)…

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Pics of the Day

Stained Glass Window at Simpon Street Northbound 2/5 IRT Station in Longwood – Our neighbors to the north.

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