In The Shadow…

… of Yankee Stadium, local young men make use of an outdoor gym flexing their…


Esai Morales Captures The Struggle Of A Father Tormented By Machismo In “Gun Hill Road”

Gun Hill Road, a film by fellow Bronxite Rashaad Ernesto Green, is a tale full of raw emotions and angst surrounding a father come home after a three year stint in jail and a family who has moved on and continued to live their lives without him. A wife, played by Bronx born Judy Reyes,…

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Bloomberg Donating $30 Million To Help Young Black and Latino Men

(Image: Tina Fineburg/NYTIMES Copyright The New York Times Company 2011) In a time when politicians across the country, particularly those in Congress and the Senate as of late, are selfishly trying to protect tax cuts for the rich at the cost of social programs for the poor it is refreshing to say the least when…

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Bronx Pride Everyday

During my travels, I ran into a fellow Bronxite who loves our borough so much he inked it on his forearm. Now that’s pretty dope. When was the last time you saw someone tattoo Staten Island or Queens on their body? 

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Thanks to the Daily News, Principal fired over racist writings

Remember when we posted that story yesterday about that racist asshole, Frank Borzellieri, who was allowed to be a principal at a Bronx school? Well the douchebag has been fired thanks to the bad press from the Daily News.  Now if we can only do something about that idiot pastor,Reverend Rapaglia, who hired him in…

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