ScoutingNY Stumbles Upon Harding Park in the Bronx

ScoutingNY has featured several places in the Bronx as he (they? She?) journeys throughout the city cataloging various locations for film and television but recently he came across Harding Park and seemed rather fond of this tight knit bungalow community tucked away by the Long Island Sound, East and Bronx Rivers. Live in Harding Park…

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Pols Aggressively Shaping Bronx Community Boards | Bronx Bureau

Check out this excellent piece from the Bronx Bureau by Naomi Cohen on how politicians have been and continue to shape and bend Community Boards to their interests. Oh and a big thanks for linking my post in their article! Via Bronx Bureau: Pols Aggressively Shaping Bronx Community Boards by Naomi Cohen, July 16th…

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