1st Annual Bronx Gentrification Conference This Saturday December 7th

Gentrification is a very controversial topic which brings out a lot of passionate opinions both in favor and against gentrification.

The question of whether the South Bronx, particularly Melrose, Mott Haven, Port Morris, and the Lower Concourse, will ever gentrify is no longer the correct one. The question is when.

Bronx Real Estate In Riverdale Causing A Big Buzz Around The World

Many forget that Riverdale is indeed the Bronx and more forget that it is home to some of the most expensive homes outside of the island of Manhattan within New York City.

During the last several weeks, a listing in the Fieldston section of Riverdale caused a raucous on the Internet because finally a castle (of sorts) could be purchased for the price of a New York City apartment – in NYC!

The Bronx Honors Gordon Parks

“…Gordon Parks was many things, a photographer, composer, filmmaker, writer and activist. His life-journey was filled with extraordinary challenges including losing his mother at 14 and shortly thereafter having to fend for himself on the streets. During the early and mid 20th century he had to fight against the ugly specter of racism that would often deny him one career-making opportunity after another. 


Join Us On Saturday For A Screening Of Style Wars II At The Bronx Documentary Center

30 years ago Henry Chalfant’s ground breaking documentary, ‘Style Wars’ was released and took the Bronx, graffiti culture as well as the relatively then nascent scene of Hip Hop across the world.

Now this Saturday, the Bronx Documentary Center will screen the sequel to the award-winning film which documents what has transpired since the cultural landmark original in the world of graffiti.

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The Bronx Gets Major Promotional Boost In The UK By NYC & CO As A Tourist Destination

Squeaky wheel gets the grease?

Today I received rather surprising news that New York City’s tourism marketing department, NYC & CO, made a major push to promote the Bronx to both domestic and international visitors to the city. The announcement was made earlier today in London, UK at the World Travel Market, one of the premier travel trade shows.

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