East Bronx Metro North Access Gets Major Push By Governor Cuomo

Last week when Mayor Bill de Blasio was inaugurated I published an open letter to him on several items that the Bronx was in need of.

One of the major items I mentioned that instead of hundreds of millions of dollars going to corporate subsidies that hurt communities rather than benefit them was to use said monies for fast tracking four new Metro North stations in the East Bronx.

New York City’s REAL Little Italy in the Bronx is Featured in the BBC

While Bronxites and countless New Yorkers know that if they want the best Italian experience in the city you avoid Manhattan’s Little Italy, many do not know to come to Arthur Avenue in Belmont the Bronx.

The BBC has published an interesting video report (link to video at the bottom of the story) on the changing faces of Belmont, something which many readers and Bronxites have commented on.


The Bronx Will Celebrate Several Milestones in 2014

This year marks the 375th Anniversary that our borough’s namesake, Jonas Bronck, from Sweden, became the Bronx’s first European settler.

It is believed that Jonas Bronck was born circa 1600 in the Swedish province of Småland and eventually made his way to The Netherlands before making his way to North America and settling in the Dutch colonial province of New Netherland.

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‘La Central’ Will Change 3rd Avenue / The Hub As We Know It

Over the past several years, noticeable changes have happened in the Hub along 3rd Avenue or ‘La Tercera’ as it is affectionately known by the Puerto Rican community, who were the first latinos to settle the area, and now simply the Latino community at large.

Late this summer we saw the opening of the luxury boutique on 149th Street —the first of its kind in the entire borough of the Bronx (bringing a Crunch Fitness with it). There were naysayers that such a venture would just not work but on the contrary, it’s had a very successful run in such a short time.

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