The Bronx Is Blooming!

As I was taking my morning walk with my dog around Melrose, I noticed that several cherry blossoms and other trees are starting to bloom.

Have you noticed Spring forcing its way through? We’d love to see your pictures and feature them on a future post showing the beauty of our green borough in bloom!

Use the hashtag #bloomingbronx or #welcome2thebronx in Instagram, Twitter, and all other social media or you can simply send your pictures to:

Make sure to let us know the location / neighborhood of the image as well as how you would like us to credit it!

Happy shooting!

The MTA Plots to Remove All Station Agents

The following is a guest article by John Rozankowski, PhD

A feeling of security is a vital issue for most people and determines where they live, where they send their children to school, etc. In subway station entrances, the station agents provide this feeling of security and the MTA is scheming to remove all of them.

11 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About The Bronx

This year the Bronx is celebrating two major anniversaries: The 375th anniversary of the first European settler — and our borough’s namesake Jonas Bronck, to call our great borough of the North home, and the 100th anniversary of the creation of Bronx County, New York State’s 62nd and last county created.

In the spirit of history, we’ve decided to compile a list of things you may not (or may) know about the Bronx.


Xochimilco Restaurant Is Still Open!

The popular and Baron Ambrosia approved Mexican restaurant, Xochimilco is still open! Due to a major error with Verizon and Cablevision, their main number is out of order but they can still be reached at 718 402-5100.

Hopefully your thoughts of the restaurant having closed, ensued by panic had been subdued!

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Bronx Jewish Community Council Hosts Project HOPE Passover Food Package Delivery

On Sunday, April 6th, hundreds of volunteers will join together to deliver over 500 Passover food packages to home-bound Jewish elderly. Project HOPE is a semi-annual event where over 300 volunteers deliver food packages by foot and by car to low income and isolated older adults. Often, these volunteers are the only visitors to seniors’ home all week and many times seniors welcome young volunteers and their families to stay for a visit.

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Insects & Small Game On The Menu Make For A Big, Unforgettable Experience in The Bronx

When Baron Ambrosia sends you an invitation, you immediately RSVP — no questions asked.

With a menu consisting of Cricket Brie Sushi, Spicy Beaver Tacos, Muskrat Fakoye & other exotic dishes, Baron Ambrosia, the culinary ambassador of The Bronx, hosted an unforgettable epicurean experience which would have made Andrew Zimmern feel proud.

This past Saturday at the Andrew Freedman Home, The Baron held the 4th Annual Bronx Pipe Smoking Society Small Game Dinner —an event which has quickly become one of the most highly anticipated and exclusive dining experiences in the Bronx.

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The South Bronx Deserves Better Than A 21 Year Old Environmental Impact Statement

Yesterday, on Thursday, March 27th, the Appellate Division of New York ruled in favor of FreshDirect and, “Bloomberg-era Industrial Development Agency decision to provide $80 million in subsidies to Fresh Direct to move its trucking operation to a South Bronx waterfront flood zone…without any requirement to assess or address the environmental impact of an additional 1,500 daily diesel truck trips on our asthma-plagued community.”

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