Xochimilco Restaurant Is Still Open!

The popular and Baron Ambrosia approved Mexican restaurant, Xochimilco is still open! Due to a major error with Verizon and Cablevision, their main number is out of order but they can still be reached at 718 402-5100.

Hopefully your thoughts of the restaurant having closed, ensued by panic had been subdued!

Bronx Jewish Community Council Hosts Project HOPE Passover Food Package Delivery

On Sunday, April 6th, hundreds of volunteers will join together to deliver over 500 Passover food packages to home-bound Jewish elderly. Project HOPE is a semi-annual event where over 300 volunteers deliver food packages by foot and by car to low income and isolated older adults. Often, these volunteers are the only visitors to seniors’ home all week and many times seniors welcome young volunteers and their families to stay for a visit.

Insects & Small Game On The Menu Make For A Big, Unforgettable Experience in The Bronx

When Baron Ambrosia sends you an invitation, you immediately RSVP — no questions asked.

With a menu consisting of Cricket Brie Sushi, Spicy Beaver Tacos, Muskrat Fakoye & other exotic dishes, Baron Ambrosia, the culinary ambassador of The Bronx, hosted an unforgettable epicurean experience which would have made Andrew Zimmern feel proud.

This past Saturday at the Andrew Freedman Home, The Baron held the 4th Annual Bronx Pipe Smoking Society Small Game Dinner —an event which has quickly become one of the most highly anticipated and exclusive dining experiences in the Bronx.

The South Bronx Deserves Better Than A 21 Year Old Environmental Impact Statement

Yesterday, on Thursday, March 27th, the Appellate Division of New York ruled in favor of FreshDirect and, “Bloomberg-era Industrial Development Agency decision to provide $80 million in subsidies to Fresh Direct to move its trucking operation to a South Bronx waterfront flood zone…without any requirement to assess or address the environmental impact of an additional 1,500 daily diesel truck trips on our asthma-plagued community.”


New CDC Study Reveals Link To Increased Childhood Leukemia Incidences In High Traffic Urban Areas: Another Reason To Say No To FreshDirect Move To The Bronx

Dear Mayor De Blasio, Council Speaker Mark-Viverito, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr, New York City Council members:

The Center for Disease Control has just published a study in the April 2014 issue of the American Journal of Preventative Medicine citing a deep connection between a rise in incidents of childhood leukemia and pollution in high traffic areas — traffic pollution which already exists in the South Bronx that contributes to children having 8 times the national rate of asthma.

Can we afford FreshDirect with thousands of more truck trips barreling through our roads in the South Bronx, worsening the traffic situation? Is the empty promise of jobs worth the risk of exposure to our children — a company with dubious labor practices where they are currently being sued by their own drivers? Do we sacrifice our future over corporate greed and over $130 million in tax breaks and subsidies?

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Melrose, Listen Up! Take The Columbia University Retail Survey!

Students at Columbia University are conducting a retail analysis of Melrose and are conducting a very brief survey to identify the wants and needs of the community. Once the data is collected, it will be presented to the Housing Preservation Department (HPD) to advocate for the concerns of the community. Take the survey in English…

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Streetsblog New York City » City Council Gets on Board With Overhauling the Sheridan. Will Cuomo?

After nearly two decades of advocacy and planning to transform the Sheridan Expressway, South Bronx residents and businesses have a plan they agree on. The next step: Governor Cuomo’s State DOT must launch an environmental review to begin implementing the plan. The State Senate included $3 million for the review in its budget proposal [PDF]. With a unanimous 10-0 vote this afternoon, the City Council transportation committee urged the state to follow through and conduct the study. The full City Council is expected to endorse the request tomorrow.

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How I Realized Black & Latino Men Can Make Guns With Their Minds | The Blinker

As tightly as I close my eyes and clench my fists, as hard as I wish for it, I can’t seem to materialize a gun.

The way Michael Bloomberg spoke about it, the way the NYT, the WSJ, the NYDN, and the Gothamist write about it, the way Ray Kelly handled it and the way his successor briefs us on it, I was under the impression that any Black or Latino male having reached puberty but under the age of 25 could immediately wish a gun into their hands. Yet as hard as I try, that doesn’t seem to be happening.

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