Bronx Hero Paid Ultimate Sacrifice on 9/11

Battalion Chief Orio Palmer; husband, son, brother, father.

Never forget.

13 years, and 2,977 lives later, those of us old enough to remember that day, will never forget what we were doing when we first heard or saw what was happening.

Bronx Tales of Yesteryear: I Never Played In Carnegie Hall

When I was ten, Aunt Esther took me to Carnegie Hall to hear the then popular pianist, Jan August. That was the day I decided to become a concert pianist.

There wasn’t any room for a piano in the family budget, so for a while I kept my mouth shut.

Then I read a biography of George Gershwin. I thought I was reading about myself. He’d grown up in a New York apartment overlooking a noisy street. Me, too. He was the younger of two brothers. Me, too. He was from a Jewish family. Me, too. He had a funny-shaped nose. Me, too. Okay, so he was from Brooklyn and I was from the Bronx, but hadn’t my parents lived in Brooklyn before I was born? Gershwin died less than fourteen months before I was born. There was no question about it. I was the reincarnation of George Gershwin.

Yet Another Luxury Hotel Coming To The South Bronx

While the well-established and world-renowned Marriott Hotel chain seems to be having problems and delay after delay in opening its first Bronx hotel in the East Bronx, developers are taking advantage of the transportation rich neighborhoods of Melrose and Mott Haven.

Welcome2TheBronx has just learned from our friends over at YIMBY that plans have been filed for a 75 room luxury hotel at 335 Grand Concourse and East 140th Street.

Breaking News: YoungWoo & Associates To Restore Bronx General Post Office To Former Glory & Restore Historic Ben Shahn Murals

YoungWoo & Associates has partnered up with the San Francisco based Bristol Group, a real estate investment and development firm, to restore the Bronx General Post Office to its former glory.

Not only will the exterior once again shine gloriously but the firms will also preserve and restore the landmarked lobby, including the 13 Ben Shahn murals. “We are firmly committed to honoring the building’s historic legacy and working with the USPS to ensure that the interior landmarked lobby, including “Resources of America”—the 13 murals created by the great American artists, Ben Shahn and Bernarnda Bryson—are honored, restored to their original glory and preserved for all to enjoy” said Mr. Zucker.

Join Welcome2TheBronx For: ¡FUEGO! A Townhall Discussion About the Burning of the Bronx

Join Welcome2TheBronx and a roster of distinguished folks this Friday, September 12th to talk about the burning years of The Bronx. Event description is as follows:

A panel discussion about the tragic events and misguided policies that almost led to the complete destruction of a major U.S. city and the residents who decided to stay and fight to re-claim their neighborhoods and brought them back from the ashes of neglect, economic opportunism and political indifference. Panelists include:

EXCLUSIVE: Pictures of Laura Prepon On Set of Orange Is The New Black On City Island, The Bronx!

Welcome2TheBronx has obtained EXCLUSIVE pictures of Monday’s filming of Orange Is The New Black.

Laura Prepon who’s name was made famous on ‘That 70’s Show’ and resurged to fame in the Emmy winning Netflix Original Series, ‘Orange Is The New Black’ was in The Bronx today filming for Season 3 on City Island. Here’s an account from our dear friend and photographer, Elena ‘Mamarazzi’ Marrero of her day scouting the set:


Public Hearing on FreshDirect Subsidies from the State

New York State Empire State Development Corporation and FreshDirect tried to pull a fast one last week and have a meeting which gave FreshDirect weeks notice to gather supporters (only 8) and only gave the majority of residents who oppose the deal less than 24 hour notice to gather residents. This resulted in MANDATORY PUBLIC HEARING for which we must be given, at minimum, 10 days notice to prepare. Please read below on how to prepare your testimony and all necessary details regarding this process. This is a major opportunity to once and for all kill this deal which the vast majority of residents have been against since day 1.

Friends, One of the moments for which we have been preparing for over a year is here – the public hearing on State subsidies for FreshDirect – and we need you to show up and provide testimony!

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NBC’s Gabe Pressman Profiles Port Morris In The Bronx; ‘A Neighborhood Rich In History & Saturated With Art’

Gabe Pressman, A senior correspondent for NBC came to The Bronx, the borough of his birth and where he was raised, to do a segment on Port Morris. The 90 year old award winning journalist took a tour of the area an local businesses such as Port Morris Distillery, Charlie’s Kitchen, and Jamie Jones’ The Shoppe Bx.

Check out the video below and tell us what you think? This journalistic segment further solidifies why FreshDirect does NOT belong in a residential neighborhood like Port Morris with over 3,000 truck trips daily plus extra vehicular traffic.

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BREAKING NEWS: Bronx General Post Office On The Grand Concourse SOLD

Welcome2TheBronx first broke the exclusive story, back on January 2013, that the landmark Bronx General Post Office was for sale. Subsequently the story was immediately picked up by the New York Times in an article by Donald Dunlap. Now after almost 2 years speculation of what the fate of the beloved Post Office would be, Welcome2TheBronx has learned via Denis Slattery of the Daily News that the General Post Office has been sold to developer Young Woo & Associates.

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NBC’s Gabe Pressman Profiles Port Morris In The Bronx; ‘A Neighborhood Rich In History & Saturated With Art’

Gabe Pressman, A senior correspondent for NBC came to The Bronx, the borough of his birth and where he was raised, to do a segment on Port Morris. The 90 year old award winning journalist took a tour of the area an local businesses such as Port Morris Distillery, Charlie’s Kitchen, and Jamie Jones’ The Shoppe Bx.

Check out the video below and tell us what you think? This journalistic segment further solidifies why FreshDirect does NOT belong in a residential neighborhood like Port Morris with over 3,000 truck trips daily plus extra vehicular traffic.

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Orange Is The New Black To Film on City Island In The Bronx

We’re excited to learn that the popular and 3 time Emmy winning and 12 Emmy nominated Netflix original show, Orange Is The New Black, will be filming on location for their 3rd season this coming Monday, September 8th on City Island.

The show has several Bronx connections including one of the main characters, Gloria Mendoza who is played by Cuban born and Bronx raised actress Selenis Leyva and the popular opening song is written and performed by Moscow born and Bronx raised Regina Spektor.

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