The Bronx’s Montefiore Hospital Designated One of 8 In New York State To Treat Ebola Cases

Governor Cuomo announced today in a press conference that a total of eight hospitals across the state of New York as medical centers designated to treat ebola cases — Montefiore in The Bronx being one of them.

According to the press release, “Montefiore Health System president and CEO Steven M. Safyer, MD said, “We applaud Governor Cuomo for his leadership on this potential public health issue. New Yorkers will be well-served by having specialty centers located in their communities with the expertise to respond quickly and efficiently if the need arises. Montefiore, with its academic partner, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, has nationally-recognized expertise in Ebola research and treating infectious diseases, and has a robust infection control program. We have been training our frontline care providers in best practices for many months to identify, isolate, and care for patients who may be infected with Ebola.”

Celebration of Life For Morgan Powell – A Memorial

On Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014, a memorial service will be held for the late Kristopher Morgan Powell at the historic Andrew Freedman Home located at 1125 Grand Concourse. Due to limited capacity, kindly RSVP via the EventBrite link provided.

If you cannot make it to next week’s celebration of Morgan’s life, stay tuned as there will be others in the coming weeks.

NYC Issues Ebola Educational Outreach

Immediately upon the news that Ebola had reached the United States over in Dallas, TX, Welcome2TheBronx quickly issued an informative post on the basic facts about Ebola, how it’s transmitted, and what you can do to protect yourself but most of all to be educated on the topic.

Now, NYC Department of Health has issued more comprehensive educational material on Ebola and we would like to share that information with you so please refer to the information below:

This Week Only: ‘Dancing In My Cockroach Killers’ At Pregones/PRTT!

This Week Only: Pregones/PRTT Gets Ready for Los Angeles with 4 Bronx Performances of


NYC – October 14, 2014 – Uproarious ensemble musical Dancing In My Cockroach Killers, a production of Pregones Theater and Puerto Rican Traveling Theater, gets ready for its West Coast premiere with evening and matinee performances this Thursday to Sunday, October 16 to 19, in The Bronx. The company invites local community members to get on the cheering squad, and will be rolling out new benefits and incentives for members and patrons in attendance, including the chance to win a round-trip ticket to the destination of your choice on Southwest Airlines, the Official Airline of Pregones/PRTT!

Bye Bye Bruckner Bar & Grill, Hello Mott Haven Bar & Grill

Imagine my surprise two weeks ago, when I walked into 1 Bruckner Boulevard, and immediately noticed it was no longer called Bruckner Bar and Grill.

Panic ensued. Was there some type of hostile takeover? Where was the loving staff we’ve come to know for so many years? Was the menu even the same?


A Hunts Point Walk – Morgan Powell’s Last Tour

Early last month, the late Morgan Powell invited me along with several other of my friends to help him document a run through of a tour on Hunts Point he had been working on for 5 years. Unfortunately due to scheduling conflicts I couldn’t make it but I was told it was quite the informative tour and really well done.

Shortly after the tour, Morgan asked that I publish the tour on Welcome2TheBronx for all to enjoy so below, in its entirety, is Morgan Powell’s Hunts Point Walk, the culmination of 5 years of work and research. Bookmark this page and take the walk that Morgan so lovingly designed with you all in mind. Take a journey into the real Hunts Point; learn about the rich history of an oft maligned and misunderstood neighborhood that has been the brunt of exploitation, environmental injustice and environmental racism for far too long. The history which Morgan wanted everyone to make sure they knew.

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Baron Ambrosia Swims Again; This Time Camden’s Cooper River

Baron Ambrosia has swum yet another river against all odds.

Last year Baron was the first person in recorded history to swim the entire length of The Bronx River and now he’s the first known person to have performed the same feat in Camden’s Cooper River.

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Mott Haven & Melrose Get A Little Bit Fancy With New WalkNYC Signs

WalkNYC street signs have finally landed in The Bronx providing residents, employees and visitors of the Melrose and Mott Haven area with a map to the immediate area. The signs, which debuted last year in Chinatown, Herald Square/34th Street, Long Island City and Prospect Heights and Crown Heights, provide pedestrians with a wealth of information, including average walking distance to various landmarks and subway stations.

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Tell Mayor de Blasio and Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito to Make Mott Haven-Port Morris Waterfront Plan A Reality!

As we reported yesterday, New York State has proposed the prioritization of the Mott Haven-Port Morris Waterfront plan. The issue has been picked up by Curbed (with a readership of over 1.5 million visitors a month) and The Real Deal (with a readership of over 1.375 million a month).

For those on twitter, make sure you tweet the following and let’s have our voices heard!

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Sonia Sotomayor Brings Salsa, Trouble to the Supreme Court – US News

America may have its first celebrity Supreme Court justice, author Joan Biskupic says.

It was fairly early in the writing process when author Joan Biskupic, the biographer of Supreme Court Justices Sandra Day O’Connor and Antonin Scalia, heard about Justice Sonia Sotomayor and “the salsa incident.”

As the story goes, it was June 2010 and the Supreme Court justices and their law clerks were celebrating the end of term with the clerks performing skits for their bosses. For Sotomayor, who had joined the high court in August 2009, it was the first of such occasions. “Here’s what you should know: By tradition, the clerks perform, the justices watch,” Biskupic explains to Whispers.

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Candidate for NYS Attorney General Files Complaint With JCOPE About FreshDirect Lobbying

For Immediate Release October 10, 2014 Candidate for NYS Attorney General Files Complaint With JCOPE About FreshDirect Lobbying Contact Ramon J. Jimenez 917 517 1320   Also Available for Spanish Language Interviews Complaint focuses on failure to disclose lobbying by firm paid tens of thousands of dollars In response to the recent revelations about The Parkside…

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