One Voice from the South Bronx: Q&A with New York Times Reporter David Gonzalez | CentroVoices

Here’s an excellent article and interview with Bronx Hero David Gonzalez, a Bronx born and bred New York Times reporter.

Reporter Samy Nevir Olivares of CentroVoices says of Gonzalez:

“After working at Newsweek, Gonzalez moved to The New York Times in 1990, becoming one of the first Latino staff at the paper. There he led the Bronx and Central America/Caribbean bureaus. Along with reporting, he co-edits Lens Blog and does the biweekly Side Street photo-essay feature for the City Room blog.

For his social conscience and in-depth work, Gonzalez won Columbia University’s Mike Berger Award in May 1992, and the 2008 Distinguished Writing Award from the American Society of Newspaper Editors for “House Afire,” a feature for The Times. He was inducted into the National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) Hall of Fame in 2013.”

Mother Who Lived In The Bronx Speaks Out: I’m a Single Mom, and This S*** Is Hard | Vanessa Martir

There is a strong stigma against single mothers and The Bronx is no exception and according to Congressman José E. Serrano, The Bronx is has the 3rd highest rate of single mothers in the country.

Back in 2011, NPR had a show on the issue based on recent data from Pew Research poll and had this to say:

“The American family looks a little different now than it did in the days of Ward and June Cleaver. Sometimes, parents are married, sometimes unmarried. Sometimes dads have – kids have two dads. Some couples don’t have children at all. Some parents raise kids alone.

A new Pew Research poll found that among all those possible configurations, moms raising kids on their own are considered bad for society.”


40 Date Ideas in the Bronx | BronxMama

Since the Bronx is often overlooked when it comes to those fun NYC best of lists, The Bronx Bloggers took a few moments to make a list of 40 Date Ideas in the Bronx. Have more to add? Keep em coming! 40 Date Ideas in the Bronx |. – Via BronxMama!

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A Limited View of Boys From the Bronx –

Here’s an excellent piece from The New York Times on how not to document a community but even better, through the works of Lisa Kahane’s book, “Do Not Give Way To Evil: Photographs of the South Bronx, 1979-1987”, the piece illustrates how documentary photography can be properly done.

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I Love the Bronx: For Morgan Amo el Bronx: Para Morgan | The Bronx Free Press

“There were several days that I woke up to find Morgan tending flowers we had planted on our block. Other days he would knock on my door to drop off a plant, a book or a new piece of research. I especially enjoyed our “day dates” when we spent countless hours walking the Bronx together. He…

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BronxTalk Celebrates 20 Years Tackling Bronx Issues On Live TV

BronxTalk, one of New York City’s LONGEST running talk shows, celebrates its 20th anniversary tomorrow, Wednesday October 22nd at 8:00PM at the historic Andrew Freedman Home by taping the 954th show which will include looking at historic archives while providing the public a chance to speak during the program. Through 953 shows, Gary Axelbank, the…

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The Cost of The “New” Bronx: The Borough Is Losing Its Last Bookstore As Barnes & Noble Is Forced Out of Bay Plaza

Imagine a borough of over 1.4 million people without a single book store.

We keep hearing our Borough President mentioning The “New” Bronx when he talks about all the developments going on in our borough — Something which many find rather offensive. When the Mall at Bay Plaza opened back in August, he used it yet again. Since the mall opened, several businesses have been forced out by rising rents at the malls developed and run by Prestige Properties and now our last bookstore has fallen victim to this “New Bronx” mantra.

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