Italy and The Bronx, a beautiful love affair

The Bronx has been home of many Italians during the 20th century. It is impossible, for those who are interested in knowing the history of the Italian American community, to ignore this New York borough; as it is impossible not to feel Italy in Arthur Avenue, that somebody calls “the real Little Italy”.

It is here that we’ve met John Calvelli, now Executive Vice President for the Public Affairs Division of the Wildlife Conservation Society and for sure the best person to ask something about the relationship between Italy and The Bronx. We thank him for his time, and the excellent lunch we had in one of the best restaurant in Arthur Avenue!

MTA operator led millions, including son, in safe commutes – NY Daily News

Recently, I nominated my father for a Daily News Hometown Hero Award and the paper decided to write a story on him and he is now a candidate for the award.

Here’s an excerpt of the story and make sure to click the link at the end to watch the video. A big thanks to the Daily News for thinking my dad’s story was worthy of a nomination.

The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly: The Problem With The NYPD & Police In America

Dear NYPD and other police forces across our country:

I sit writing this and am filled with nothing but dread and anxiety. Why? Because I have suffered bouts of PTSD due to mistreatment by the NYPD on several occasions. I find it extremely difficult to put these words down but given the recent verdicts from Ferguson on Michael Brown’s murder as well as our own Eric Garner’s murder at the hands of the NYPD I cannot remain silent. This is for them and all who have been murdered or brutalized by the hands that are served to protect us. This is for everyone including those who are charged with serving and protecting us.

Another Port Morris Property Sells, This Time For $32 Million

Just around the corner (literally) from 2417 Third Avenue — the loft building that is under contract for $31 million, 101 Lincoln has just sold for $32 million. This property sits across from Bruckner Bar and Grill Mott Haven Bar and Grill and according to the Real Deal the developer can build up to an 800,000 foot building on the site.

Google Donates $1 Million to New York Public Library for Wi-Fi Devices Lending Program

More New Yorkers will soon be able to check out a Wi-Fi device from their library as easily as they can check out a book.

Google made a $1 million donation to New York Public Library to help pay for a program that allows patrons to borrow Wi-Fi devices to use at home for a certain length of time, the city announced Tuesday. The lending program went through a pilot test at the Bronx and Staten Island branches this past summer. Aided by a $500,000 grant from various nonprofit organizations, Google’s donation will help the program expand this month to Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens libraries as well.

Federal Reserve Bank President Says Bronx on the Mend After Recession – WSJ

Nancy Biberman, executive director of the Women’s Housing and Economic Development Corp., a Bronx-based community development organization, said the borough’s large immigrant population, a lack of education and barriers to credit have made the Bronx inhospitable to new and small businesses.

“What we’re finding is that really in a community where there’s large numbers of immigrants…[they] tend to start small businesses,” she said. “They take the skills that they’ve come to this country with and try to make money.”


Prescribing Vegetables, Not Pills To Combat Obesity In The Bronx – NY Times

What happens when you prescribe fruits, veggies and all sorts of produce to Bronxites who are overweight instead of pills? They lose weight. At least that’s what one innovative program is showing right here in The Bronx at Lincoln Hospital — one of four city hospitals to participate in the $15 million, 5 year program funded by a grant from the Tisch Fund.

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‘Bronx Memoir Project – Volume 1’ — A MUST Read For Lovers of All Things Bronx —Launches This Wednesday!

Welcome2TheBronx is excited to announce that this coming Wednesday, December 3rd, The Bronx Council on the Arts will officially launch the first volume of the ‘Bronx Memoir Project’. This is the culmination of long journey and series of workshops led by Charlie Vázquez, Director of the Bronx Writers Center.

We were fortunate enough to get our hands on a copy of the book a few months ago and it is a wondrous journey of our borough as seen by its residents. The settings vary by location, century, and cultural experiences but The Bronx is what ties all these wonderful short stories together.

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The Robin Hood Of The Bronx

The tale of “Robin Hood” is a classic folktale that most people have read or have seen as a movie – it’s a tale about his ethical exploits. With our economy and society changing over the years, specifically with its downward spiral, we have seen these types of stories become a reality. I have witnessed these societal downfalls and have decided to take action through ethical civility and diplomacy.

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Happy Albanian Independence Day!

This past Friday, November 28th, the Albanian community celebrated their country’s 102nd anniversary of independence from what was left of the Ottoman Empire. In recent decades, scores of immigrant Albanian families have settled in the New York region with over two-thirds of the population having settled in The Bronx.

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Coming Monday: 25 TO LIFE — One Man’s Struggle With HIV/AIDS

On Monday, December 1st — a date known the world round as ‘World AIDS Day’ — SimonSays Entertainment releases ’25 To Life’, a documentary which focuses on one man’s struggle’s with HIV/AIDS. SimonSays Entertainment has produced such critically acclaimed movies like ‘Gun Hill Road’ (which was based in The Bronx), ‘Blue Caprice’, and ‘Mother of George’, the latter two which received honorable mention status in The New York Times year end review of top films for 2013.

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The Rebirth of The Bronx Waterfront at Clason Point

For decades, The Bronx was an ignored environmental mess but for the last 20 years major groups have been working on restoring our ecology and environment. The Wall Street Journal reports on the rebirth of our waterfront at the mouth of The Bronx River which for years was just a wasteland.

Whether it’s the Harlem River in the South Bronx or up in Riverdale, our parks or the Bronx River, thousands of Bronxites are working hard on a daily basis with many organizations to clean and preserve our beautiful borough. We are, after all, the greenest of the 5 boroughs with 25% of our land as parks.

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