Our Borough’s Very Own ‘Bronx Historical Tours’ Makes Fodor’s 7 Best Tours Outside of Manhattan!

Fodor’s, one of the go to guides for all things travel around the globe, has named Bronxite Alexandra Maruri’s ‘Bronx Historical Tours’ one of the ‘7 Best New York City Tours Outside of Manhattan’. Not only is this a great honor for our wonderful borough to be featured as such but we couldn’t think of a better person than Alexandra Maruri and her company to receive such accolades.

Developer Purchases 18-Buildings in The Bronx for $85.5 Million; Plans $70.5 Million In Upgrades & Keep Units Affordable

The Wall Street Journal reports that developer, Arker Cos, just purchased 18 buildings, mostly in Morrisania section of The Bronx, and plans on $70.5 million in upgrading the units with new kitchens, bathrooms and other undisclosed improvements — all while keeping them affordable. All the units are currently subsidized by section-8. Such a move is virtually unheard of in The Bronx and probably throughout the city where a developer comes in and will make major improvements after purchasing such a portfolio and let alone keeping the rents the same.

FreshDirect Breaks Promise To Convert To Electric Fleet; Buys 15 New Diesel Trucks

FreshDirect once again had an opportunity to purchase new electric trucks as they promised to do but instead they chose to purchase ten brand new diesel trucks, Welcome2TheBronx has learned.

We went over to Milea Trucks Sales & Leasing on 149th Street and Austin Place to investigate after a local concerned citizen took some photographs and sent them over. What we saw really shocked us at how FreshDirect continues to lie to our community about their intentions. Sitting on their lot were 10 brand spanking new diesel trucks. I checked each and every truck and all of them were diesel with “certified clean idling” stickers. I asked one of the workers at the office what that meant and they said, “All that means is that when they stop, they don’t pollute but as long as they’re driving around, they still are spewing diesel fumes.”

I couldn’t believe my ears. What about all the promises to convert to electric?

Bronx Children’s Lives At Risk: New Study Reinforces Link Between Air Pollution & Autism

Many people often ask why we fight against the proposed move of FreshDirect move to the South Bronx — an area that is already plagued by asthma where 1 in 4 children have the life-threatening ailment. The truck intensive and polluting industry that is FreshDirect will only exacerbate such ailments in our community, something which many studies have clearly shown is a health problem.

Now, just after last month’s announcement about Columbia University’s study linking pollution to childhood ADHD, Harvard has released a study which indicates that pregnant women are at almost TWICE the risk of giving birth to a child with autism due to smog spewed by vehicles, or smoke stacks: something which the South Bronx has been a dumping ground for.


Breaking News: FreshDirect Plans “Secret” Groundbreaking Ceremony in The South Bronx


It’s been almost a 3 year battle since FreshDirect sweetheart deal was announced as a done deal to dump a trucking and pollution intensive industry in the growing residential neighborhood of Port Morris directly impacting those living in the immediate area including Mott Haven. The deal would bring over 1,000 trucks and trips a day adding to an area with 8x the national rate of asthma and now FreshDirect has hit a new low.

Word has been received that the company is planning a “secret” groundbreaking at the Harlem River Yards on Monday, December 22nd at 10AM so we are calling all those who have been fighting against environmental injustice and racism to join us on this date to rally against this move.

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Botanical Garden Hosts Annual Winter Wonderland Ball – WSJ

The Bronx was once again the host of an extravagant ball and fundraiser at the New York Botanical Garden — an event that has been a favorite of many celebrities and who’s who in NYC. The Wall Street Journal writes of the event:

“The New York Botanical Garden’s Winter Wonderland Ball is one of the last major events on the charity circuit before the social crowd settles into holiday parties and then skips town for warmer, or colder, climes.

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Bronx Boro Prez Ruben Diaz Jr Needs A Lesson On What Gentrification Means

Bronx BP Disses Anarchists and Gives a New View on Gentrification – That was the headline that caught my eye.

I’m really no longer shocked that our borough president simply does not understand the word gentrification and what it means. It’s not the first time he’s tried to redefine the word.

According to the above article, CityLimits writes on how our BP doesn’t see gentrification for what it is:

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr. doesn’t see it that way.

For him, new development—even of subsidized housing open only to people with relatively high incomes—is about retaining an incumbent population of professionals in the Bronx who now live in apartments that are cheaper than they need because they lack other options in the borough.

And it’s also about slapping “anarchists” around. At least that’s how Diaz pitched it to a room of housing advocates and developers at the New York Housing Conference’s annual symposium on Wednesday.

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