Rabbinical School In The Bronx Paving The Way in The Nation To Help Jews In France Come To The US

According to an article in The Washington Post’s PostEverything section, by Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld, 7,000 French Jews have fled France in the past year and moved to Israel over growing concerns of antisemitic movements. Herzfeld writes that, “The U.S. should open its doors to imperiled European Jews,” and goes on to inform us that a Bronx rabbinical school, Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, is already doing just that.

Controversy Over A Proposed NYC Law To Protect People From Unreasonable Search By Police

While it’s hard to imagine that a proposed law intended to inform us and protect our Constitutional rights would breed controversy anywhere on U.S soil, that is exactly what’s happening in the New York City Council, and now it’s even spilling out into the Bronx neighborhoods served by those feuding council members.

It’s called the Consent To Search Bill, identified as Intro 541, and it would allow police to conduct even unreasonable searches, but only if they properly inform us of our right to refuse consent, and only if they document any consent we give them.

Why You Should Help The Blk Projek Grow Food & Justice

We can go on and on about the amazing work Tanya Fields has been doing in The Bronx since moving here 13 years ago but I’ll let you read her story below. After you read her story please do NOT forget to donate to this amazing project. Even if it’s $1.00 and you share this with your friends, we can easily help them reach their goal. That’s just $1.00 to help create change.

Why You Should Help The Blk Projek Grow Food & Justice

We can go on and on about the amazing work Tanya Fields has been doing in The Bronx since moving here 13 years ago but I’ll let you read her story below. After you read her story please do NOT forget to donate to this amazing project. Even if it’s $1.00 and you share this with your friends, we can easily help them reach their goal. That’s just $1.00 to help create change.


Coming Soon: The BxArts Factory — An Incubator for Bronx Artists

We’ve just received word that an incubator for Bronx artists is coming soon — the BxArts Factory!

Our borough has long been a cultural hot bed of the arts, we’ve produced some of the biggest names in a vast array of disciplines and have had an impact on a global scale. The one thing missing for the arts to continue to flourish and be more accessible to folks in The Bronx has been a space where folks can come together and collaborate and work alongside each other, tapping into the creative juices flowing simultaneously. This is the borough that birthed music like Salsa and Hip Hop, fashion icons Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein, graffiti legends like Crash, Tats Cru which took the art form to an entire different level blazing a trail through the global art scenes and creating movements around the planet.

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Viva Italia! Local Pols Trying to Save Primavera Italian Language & Culture Program

For 35 years, Primavera Italian Language and Culture program has been providing free Italian language courses to elementary and middle school students in The Bronx. Along with the study of the language, the program has also taught and helped preserve the Italian culture — a community which has long and deep roots in our borough and has made great contributions to our communities.

Now several elected officials and Bronxites are trying to save the program.

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Viva Italia! Local Pols Trying to Save Primavera Italian Language & Culture Program

For 35 years, Primavera Italian Language and Culture program has been providing free Italian language courses to elementary and middle school students in The Bronx. Along with the study of the language, the program has also taught and helped preserve the Italian culture — a community which has long and deep roots in our borough and has made great contributions to our communities.

Now several elected officials and Bronxites are trying to save the program.

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WALLWORKS NEW YORK Official Gallery Launch This Saturday

After a soft launch this past September and with several exhibitions since then, WALLWORKS NEW YORK in Port Morris will officially launch their gallery tomorrow, Saturday, January 10th at 6PM with the exhibition ‘Ikonoclasts’ featuring the works of the late trio of graff artists, A-One, Dondi, and Rammellzee.

When we first interviewed Crash, aka John Matos last year, he told us about his vision for WALLWORKS:

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Bronx Resident Develops App to Bring Communities Closer Together

A savvy, young Bronx programmer came up with Shoutloc, a free smartphone app for Android and iphone devices aimed at connecting communities, particularly urban ones — much like a modern-day bulletin board you would see at supermarkets and local establishments.

“With Shoutloc, people can Shout about a burglary in the community, a crime they just witnessed to make others aware, a community basketball event that’s taking place or whatever they feel is important to share. Shoutloc offers an efficient way to keep up with your surroundings and to discuss local topics.” he added.

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