As Mother Teresa is Canonized, We Remember When a Saint Visited The Bronx

Today, 19 years after her death, Pope Francis officially declared the Albanian Mother Teresa a saint as many remember when she visited The Bronx.
On one of those occasions, Saint Teresa of Kolkata, as she is now known, was visited by her friend, Princess Diana of Wales who flew in from DC just to meet up with her at the Missionaries of Charity’s order on 145th Street in Mott Haven—the first in North America of the order which she founded in 1950.

Clocktower Expansion in Port Morris Will Be The Bronx’s Most Luxurious Development To Date—For Now

A year ago, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr said that there was no gentrification taking place but either he was flat out clueless or lying—we’ll let you decide for yourselves.

Now, as the South Bronx Clocktower’s extension has reached its planned height of six stories, renderings have been revealed showing what will be the most luxurious development in The Bronx, something we don’t say lightly.

The new building will add 190 units to the existing 90 already at the landmarked Clocktower, a new fitness center, a game room, lounge, sports court, and an indoor sky-lit swimming pool.

Jerome Avenue Rezoning Proposals Released; Admits Potential Residential & Employee Displacement

Against the wishes of the community, New York City Department of City Planning has released what their vision for the Jerome Avenue Corridor—a 73 block area—and what it should look like.

According to documents released, if the zoning is passed, it will lead to the potential creation of 3,250 units and adding approximately 10,000 more residents in an already dense area where basic services such as the subway system along the 4 line are strained and packed to capacity.


Wealthy Upper East Side Residents Pouring Millions Into Bronx Elections—And It’s Not For Our Benefit. 

As if we don’t have enough to deal with outside money pouring into our borough via developers bent on gentrifying The Bronx and creating their version of our home for wealthier prospective residents, now we have to deal with Upper East Side millionaires pouring monies into local elections to benefit their needs.

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3,000 Mile East Coast Greenway Bike Trail Goes Through The Bronx

An ambitious plan set in motion 25 years ago is already almost a third of the way complete, with 850 miles of paved trails which will connect 450 towns from the Canadian border at Calais, Maine to Key West, Florida via the 3,000 mile East Coast Greenway—and The Bronx is a part of this interconnected network of existing and planned trails.

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After Decades of Neglect, St Mary’s Park to Receive $30 Million For Major Improvements Along With 4 Other Parks in NYC 

St Mary’s Park, the largest park in the South Bronx serving the Mott Haven and Melrose communities for over a century has remained a neglected eyesore for the residents who have lived here for decades—it is a stark reminder of a tale of two cities where economically depressed communities such as these, were left with little to no resources to keep up with even the most basic of maintenance of these parks.

Today, at a press conference at the park itself, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, and NYC Parks Commissioner Mitchell Silver, announced $150 million in capital funding for 5 parks across the city—one in each borough as part of the administration’s Anchor Park program—where over 750,000 New Yorkers love within walking distance of these spaces.

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New Transit Map Will Make Connecting Between Buses & Subways Easy in The Bronx & NYC 

Let’s get one thing straight. I. Hate. Buses. Like I really hate having to take one and I rather walk than get on one and get car sick with the stop and go rhythm as it creeps a few inches with traffic congestion keeping it from speeding down the road.

Add to that that for whatever reason our MTA system thinks that there shouldn’t be some sort of fully integrated transit map so you’re always flipping back and forth between subway and bus maps trying to make heads or tail of it all.

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In Pizza Wars, A Few Bronx Pizzerias Make The List

It’s an annual tradition: Who serves up the best pizza?  The Gothamist posted their top pics and a few Bronx joints made the cut but we already know that The Bronx has THE BEST PIZZA. Here are the ones that were chosen but what we want to hear from you is YOUR favorite!  Via Gothamist, The…

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