Throggs Neck Finally Gets a Farmers Market!

Finally, after years of planning, Throggs Neck now has a farmers market! Every Tuesday from 4pm to 7pm through November 13th you can drop by the Northeast Bronx Community Farmers Market Project at Preston High School on Schurz Avenue right for some super fresh and local produce (sorry that means you might not get carrots…

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Apply Now for 191 Brand New “Affordable” Apartments in Longwood

For just $817 a month you can rent a three bedroom apartments in The Bronx—if you qualify. Applications are now being accepted for 191 brand new “affordable” housing units spread across two buildings in the Longwood section of The Bronx. As per usual, you have to make just the right income to qualify for these…

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Trump Isn’t Ready For a Girl From The Bronx

We’re still excited by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s seismic victory over Congressman Joseph Crowley during this past Tuesday’s primaries. Now with this new clip of her during an appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert we love her even more. Watch below! We look forward to Ocasio-Cortez representing Queens and THE BRONX in congress come next…

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BAAD! Empowering The Bronx LGBTQ Community Through the Arts & Dance

The following is a series written by Diego Robayo of the Historic District Council which profiles Bronx community leaders who have contributed to our history and will be published here on Welcome2TheBronx. The Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance (BAAD) was founded in 1998 and started out as an association to promote artists that belonged to minority…

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