Watch: 92 Year Old Doctor Melissa Freeman is STILL Practicing Medicine!

Back in April we featured a video a video on Bronx born and raised Dr Melissa Freeman and now Good Morning America has a longer feature on this fascinating woman who at 92 years is still a practicing doctor! According to the interview the Williamsbridge native sees hundreds of patients a year treating individuals with…

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The Bronx Breaks New Construction Record

During the second quarter of 2018, more than 9 million square feet of construction was completed in New York City resulting in the highest level this decade and even besting pre-recession levels according to an analysis conducted by The Real Deal. And The Bronx just shattered its own record. The Real Deal reports that The…

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Report: Bronx Economic Boom Powered by Immigrants

Whether documented or undocumented one thing is clear:  Immigrants have helped shape the economic boom The Bronx is currently experiencing. According to Crain’s, unemployment is the lowest since 1990 when statistics began being tracked and The Bronx leads the city with the highest average salary in the health care industry in New York City at…

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Montefiore ER Nurse: “It looks like a refugee camp in a war zone”

Councilman Ritchie Torres is calling for an investigation into Montefiore Hospital as staff and nurses are calling out the institution’s terrible practices. According to staff, Montefiore places patients insured by Medicaid, essentially the poorest of the poor and most vulnerable, into crowded hallways awaiting treatment. This is an extremely disturbing account on The Bronx’s largest…

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