People of The Bronx

Watch: 101 Year Old Bronx Woman—And Runner—An Inspiration For All

Bronx resident Ida Keeling is literally in a league of her own. Keeling, who turns 101 this month, has been racing for over 30 years now.

This centenarian has been setting records, particularly women in the 95-99 year category and now just days before her 101st birthday, has set yet another record for a new age bracket.

Bronx Population Growth Fastest in City & State as NYC Hits 8.5 Million Residents

If you feel subways and buses are crowded now more than ever—it’s not just your imagination.

For the first time in New York City history, the population has hit above 8.5 million people according to US Census estimates issued for last year—and The Bronx is leading not just the city in terms of growth but also the State of New York.

Federal Government Investigating Elevated Blood Lead Levels In NYCHA Developments

New York City Housing Authority’s 178,000 units spanning The Bronx and all the 5 boroughs of our city are in deplorable conditions.

There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that having to live in such conditions has negative impacts on families who are simply trying to get by.

Now, United States Attorney Preet Bharara’s office is, “…conducting a sweeping investigation of environmental health and safety conditions, including cases of elevated blood lead levels, in public housing and homeless shelters and the possibility that the New York City housing and homeless agencies filed false claims to federal housing officials for payment related to the conditions.” according to the New York Times.

Bronx Photojournalist Captures Hope & Despair Among Puerto Rico’s Millennials on The Island & Our Borough

Bronxite Edwin J Torres, a Puerto Rican photojournalist born and raised here in The Bronx, has launched ‘Portraits of Resilience: Puerto Rican millennials face economic meltdown with a spirit of pa’lante’, a beautiful photo-essay showing the plight of Puerto Rican millennials as the United States territory faces one of the largest economic meltdowns in history.

Puerto Rico is facing a massive brain drain along with a massive migration of these US citizens (by birth even on the island) in numbers unseen since the 1950s.

The Bronx is Close to Breaking Its Population Record Set in 1970

In 1970, The Bronx registered a historic population record of 1,471,701 residents—and then the great decline led to a 20% drop by 1980 as over 300,000 people fled the chaos our borough was thrown into by government officials with planned shrinkage, landlords torching their properties, redlining, and a host of other systemic issues that plagued our borough of which we still feel the impact today.

Now, as of 2014 census estimates, The Bronx has an estimated population of 1,438,159—just 33,542 shy of our historic high in 1970.