
First Woman In History to Be Honored With a Ticker Tape Parade Has A Bronx Connection

As the frenzy picks up for today’s celebration for the ticker tape parade being thrown in honor of the US Women’s Soccer Team win, it is in fact not a first for women.

Although the US Women’s Soccer Team is indeed a first for a women’s team, there was one woman who got her own parade that has the honor of being the first—someone who eventually made our borough her home and final resting place.

Artist Open Call: Going Out With A Bang At The Old Bronx Courthouse

As No Longer Empty’s residency and exhibition, ‘When You Cut Into The Present The Future Leaks Out’ at the Old Bronx Borough Courthouse is coming to an end as it enters its final month, an open call is being issued to local Bronx artists to end the exhibition with a big celebration.

Boogie on the Boulevard is Back This Year—And It’s BIGGER!

The Grand Concourse, the boulevard of dreams which ties all Bronxites together and is the spine of The Bronx, was once closed on Sundays from 1991-1996 thanks the visionary leadership of then Borough President Fernando Ferrer along with Transportation Alternatives.

Last year, residents and local community based organizations alike, including The Bronx Museum of The Arts and Transportation Alternatives banded together to revive the popular event.

In 2014 we just got a few blocks from 165th Street to 167th Street for just 3 Sundays but this year we’re getting 8 blocks for 3 Sundays on August 2nd, 9th, and 16th from Noon to 12PM!

By Dissing The Bronx, The NY Post Proves Once Again It’s Worth Less Than Used Toilet Paper

Yellow journalism is alive and well, folks.

Instead of reporting back on the real story, The New York Post decided to do what it does best: Yellow Journalism. In their piece on the opening of The High Bridge, they chose to seek out folks who saw it as a negative and went on to say that residents on The Manhattan side are “…worried about the bloodshed across the way…” and that Washington Heights residents, “…fear it would connect their neighborhood to a war zone.”

This was based on quotes from TWO individuals. That’s it. There was no evidence whatsoever that Washington Heights residents were in fear for their lives because of the opening of The High Bridge. These are two communities sharing strong, historical and ethnic ties.

The Old Bronx Courthouse is PACKED With Events For No Longer Empty This Weekend!

No Longer Empty’s exhibition, ‘When You Cut Into The Present The Future Leaks Out’ isn’t just about the great artwork on display but it is also about the community engagement via the many programs surrounding the exhibition and this weekend will not disappoint with FIVE events!

Two More Developments Rise in the Lower Concourse As PS 31 Is Torn Down

After six years of filings with NYC’s Department of Buildings and construction delays, 500 Exterior Street is rising with the 11 story hotel slated to be completed sometime in 2016 and Holiday Inn Express has leased the building according to owner Harshad Patel. The property sits across from the Special Harlem River Waterfront District where a proposed waterfront park would go along with 4,000 units of housing (2.8 million square feet of housing, 2.3 million square feet of commercial space, 1 million square feet of community space).

This Thursday 5/14: “Cut Into the Past: Reclaiming Our Narratives” at the Old Bronx Borough Courthouse

As part of programming surrounding No Longer Empty’s exhibition at the Old Bronx Borough Courthouse, ‘When You Cut Into The Present The Future Leaks Out’, The New York Public Library’s ‘Community Oral History Program’, local community residents are invited to collect the oral histories of our neighborhoods of Melrose and Morrisania.

Once local residents are trained in interviewing our fellow friends, family members, neighbors and local residents and the interviews are completed, the results will be archived at the Melrose Public Library on Morris Avenue and 162nd Street as well as online for future generations to come.

Is This The Bronx’s Future? Displaced, Dispersed, Disappeared: What Happens to Families Forced Out of Bushwick?

Coming Soon: Bushwick…If We Let It.

The following is syndicated from CityLimits and is very appropriate and applicable to The Bronx as signs of gentrification continue to manifest itself in the South Bronx. Is this what Bronx residents have to look forward to as developers are given free reign by our politicians to come into our neighborhoods and development with rampant disregard?

New York City has become a sterile, cookie-cutter “suburban” city. Neighborhoods in Manhattan and many parts of Brooklyn no longer have a distinct character or are losing them and becoming more homogeneous. Is this what we really want to happen to The Bronx?

Restoration of Ben Shahn Murals at the Bronx General Post Office Has Begun

Now that the Bronx General Post Office is in the private hands of developer YoungWoo & Associates, work has begun on restoring the 13 iconic and landmarked Ben Shahn murals in the lobby.

The building, which opened on May 15, 1937 after 2 years of construction, was the largest of the 29 New Deal Era edifices built in New York City. In 1976 the building received landmark status from NYC’s Landmark Commission and in 2013, after Welcome2TheBronx broke the news that the United States Postal Service was selling the property, the interior lobby was granted landmark status as well—a feat that is not easy to achieve.