As soon as the story by Winnie Hu of the New York Times broke yesterday, people immediately took to Twitter with their reactions. Below are some screen shots of those commenting on the piece.
As soon as the story by Winnie Hu of the New York Times broke yesterday, people immediately took to Twitter with their reactions. Below are some screen shots of those commenting on the piece.
Unfortunately when you act like an opportunist in the Bronx, your deeds do not go unnoticed. Majora Carter, who at first seemed to have the interest of Bronxites at heart, is revealed to have given in to corporate interests over our own health and well being. In this case, money talks and FreshDirect paid. NYTimes: Hero of the Bronx Is Now Accused of Betraying It
Today, the Bronx LGBT Community can finally rest knowing that Lisa Winters, former executive director of Bronx Community Pride Center has been sentenced to 2-6 years for STEALING…let’s not call it anything fancy like embezzlement because it makes her look smarter than she actually is.
Know that this isn’t gloating or being happy that she will be in jail but I will say that I am ECSTATIC that justice was served. Having been a volunteer at BCPC and having started what was the ONLY support group for HIV+ men in the entire Bronx along with a friend, we provided a service with NOT ONE DIME yet we got it done. Lisa Winters always promised to get money for us to do more thing but we never held our breath.
Just like everything Bronx, we’ll rise from the ashes and come out stronger.
Stay tuned in the very near future as we rebuild again from the ground up an establish a NEW LGBT Center we can all be proud of. If you are interested in starting a new organization with me, then feel free to contact me but be forewarned: We will not tolerate self-interested folks looking to promote themselves and not do anything for the people. The bullshit stops here. Feel free to distribute this far and wide.
After a three year ordeal, Lisa Winters, the former Executive Director of Bronx Community Pride Center has been sentenced to 6 Years For Embezzlement and taking 400k to support her lifestyle including dog walkers, cruise ships with her partner (pictured) and apartment upgrades. This is breaking news as per a current board member. More information as it becomes available!
Is there a haunted house in the Boogie Down? Scouting New York seems to think so when they stumbled up this Mount Hope beauty. What say you about this or any other places that you think are haunted or spooky? Personally, one of the spookiest spots in the Bronx is atop Vault Hill in Van Courtland Park – former burial ground of the park’s namesake family. It’s something straight out of a horror movie!
This morning I was looking at some stats for Welcome2TheBronx and noticed that someone landed on the website by searching for, “why can’t the Bronx be more like Brooklyn” . Well that person probably wasn’t expecting my post where they landed. In the simplest terms: WE DON’T WANNA BE LIKE BROOKLYN!
Don’t get me wrong, Brooklyn isn’t a bad place but we just simply have a lot more flavor than that other borough has going. The neighborhoods closest to Manhattan have already been diluted to the point that their identities have merged with Manhattan as if resistance is futile (Think the Borg). Why should we give that up?
We have Arthur Avenue, our Little Italy that makes Mulberry Street look like the Olive Garden. City Island, that little nautical New England-esque treasure in the Sound, a seafood lover’s delight (sorry Red Lobster but you might as well be imitation crab meat.
Oh and what about Melrose, Mott Haven, Morissania, Hunts Point, Longwood, Port Morris, Highbridge and others that are lumped together by those not in the know as The South Bronx? You know, that neighborhood that birthed music from Mambo to Hip Hop – if it wasn’t for the Boogie Down, Jay-Z wouldn’t have had the opportunity to play at the Barclay Center in his home borough of Brooklyn: You’re welcome.
I can go on and on but then I’d be bragging so, fuhgeddaboudit. As some would say, “Don’t get it twisted. We love the Bronx and wouldn’t have it any other way.”
The battle against Stop and Frisk is in the courts with a Bronxite at the center of trial. David Floyd, a 33 year old black male from the Bronx is the named plaintiff in the lawsuit and is taking the stand for thousands – including the thousands of blacks and Latinos who have disproportionately been negatively impacted by this unconstitutional practice.
It is important to never forget that this is but one component of a broken system and failed culture that needs to be fixed. Gone our the days of the NYPD being that neighborhood cop everyone knew and because of the bad seeds and bad practices, they have been replaced with images of people in uniform that we should fear and not trust.
Practices like Stop and Frisk are the complete opposite of a police force defending our rights and instead just violate them.
Let us hope for a positive outcome during this trial.
Man At Center Of Stop And Frisk Trial Takes The Stand –
Happy π Day! Not only is this a day we celebrate the mathematical constant known as Pi (thus 3.14) but it is also the birthday of the late Albert Einstein…what a wonderful coincidence that he was born on this day!
One day after his 74th birthday, he agreed to attach his name to the Albert Einstein College of Medicine right here in the Bronx which opened its doors in 1955.
It was a wonderful moment for the Bronx to have the honor of becoming home to the first medical college to open in NYC since 1897 back at that time.
Since then, the institution is renowned for its excellence and leadership in several medical areas.
Celebrate the Bronx!
The Bronx continues to rise and this time we can attributes to the business sector. According to an article published in Crains New York, our great borough of the North has experienced an 305% increase in new businesses incorporated between 1991 and 2011. In fact, the increase was so much that the analysis indicated that the Bronx lead all 5 boroughs during that time frame.
As residents of our beloved borough, we already know this to be a fact. We are people that don’t necessarily wait for opportunity to knock but we make our own opportunities – call it the Bronx Hustle if you will.
From restaurants to breweries and galleries, and green technology, the Bronx is teaming not only with this increasing activity of entrepreneurship but also with an untapped pool of talent.
We have the infrastructure, now we need to continue to show the business sector what they’ve been missing out on!
**This post had been corrected. The original post said there was an 805% increase when in fact it was 305%.
Check out this cool piece by Patrick Wall of DNAinfo on a London born Bronx rapper living in public housing in our borough. Jamieson’s journey definitely sounds interesting. Don’t forget to support our local talent!
Community activism and organizers are no strangers to the Bronx – after all, it was this group that rescued the borough from near oblivion when we were abandoned by our government, landlords and business leaders. So it should come to no surprise that after working in the trenches for over 40 years that one of our own officially joins the race for city council.
Julio Pabón, born in the coastal Puerto Rican town of Guayama and raised in the South Bronx, is officially running for the 17th council district in the Bronx – a district who’s incumbent has gone unchallenged for too long.
That Mr Pabón has tirelessly worked to improve the lives of the members of his community is an understatement to say the least. He is someone who just can’t seem to stand still as long as there is inequality or suffering around him. His resume of accomplishments is a testament of his leadership skills through the various organizations that he’s founded making him a unifier.
Julio Pabón is not only that natural born leader the people know they can rely upon but they also know he’s listener that transcends the generational gap since he’s never just focused on one group. Whether it’s engaging our youth in their schools or through various social programs he’s founded or the South Bronx Homeowners Association where homeowners are united in improving their neighborhood, he’s always there to truly hear the heartbeat of the community and listen to what we need.
It’s been a long time since we’ve had one of our own people walking the streets listening to us and working with us so it is with great pride and honor that we announce Julio Pabón’s candidacy for the 17th council district in the Bronx.
Stay tuned for more news as it unfolds.