The Melrose community of The Bronx has the highest concentration of community gardens in our borough with 18 (and growing) and in all of NYC.
Tomorrow, Saturday August 22nd from 10:00AM to 3:30PM you’ll be able to go on a guided tour of 3 of these gardens with entertainment and cooking demonstrations along the way.
The first stop is one of the more recent entries in the area, Melrose New Generation Garden at 377 E 160th Street between Melrose and Courtlandt Avenues at 10AM where La Bruja aka Caridad De La Luz will be performing and hosting a Storytelling/Poetry Workshop until 11:30AM.
Then it’s off to Vogue Community Garden on E 156th Street and Elton Avenue where a cooking demonstration will take place from Noon until 1:30PM.
The final destination will be at Little Green Garden/Rock Garden on E 160th and Elton Avenue where Bombazo Dance Co will be holding a Bomba dance and performance workshop from 2:00PM until 3:30PM.
It’s going to be a beautiful day of nature and art so come out and check out the neighborhood and some of these special places residents spend time cultivating relationships with their friends, families, and neighbors.