The old Whitestone Movie Theater in The Bronx is no more as its remains are being demolished and carted away.
In its place will be the first-of-its-kind multilevel warehouse in New York City spanning 700,000 square feet on two levels which will allow for faster deliveries across the region.

Scheduled for completion in 2020 (we’re probably realistically looking at 2021 considering construction hasn’t even started yet) whichever company takes over the warehouse will be able to reach over 9.4 million people living within a 15 mile radius of the facility.
Now while this might all seem great with potential “jobs” coming in we would be irresponsible not to mention that our roads are about to get even more congested with polluting trucks ruining our already delicate air quality which makes The Bronx one of the worst places to live if you’re an asthmatic.

Renderings via 2505 Bruckner’s website.
In fact, we already have one of the highest rates of asthma in the nation thanks, in part, to our highways and trucks.
Anyway, take a look at the video below and let us know what you think:
2505 Bruckner Blvd from Neoscape, Inc. on Vimeo.

Renderings via 2505 Bruckner’s website.