A politician who lies about their record? In The Bronx?
That would never happen here, right?
That’s precisely what Democratic New York State Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj, who’s running for City Council this year, did in a mailer touting his “…fight for women’s rights,” and a “…powerful voice for women and families.”
But there’s one big problem: Gjonaj voted AGAINST the ‘Women’s Equality Act’.
This shouldn’t be a surprise as he’s supported Republicans like Senator John McCain with $7,000 in campaign contributions and he also contributed $1,000 to then Congressman John Sweeney’s campaign in 2006 where he lost to now Senator Kristen Gillibrand.

In the 2000 presidential election, Sweeney was referred to as “Congressman kick ass” due to his roll in shutting down the Miami-Dade ballot recount in Florida handing presidency to Bush.
John Doyle, who’s also running for the same city Council District 13 seat being vacated by the term-limited Jimmy Vacca as Gjonaj said to us, “Today’s news is just another example of why we shouldn’t look to Albany for leadership on any issue but particularly those related to women’s health. Bronx voters are as smart as they are tough; they see through this double talk.”
Doyle, a well known activist and established community leader from City Island added in a statement to Welcome2TheBronx that, “My record is clear, I’ve worked throughout this state to elect pro-choice State Senators in areas throughout New York where such a position isn’t always popular.”

When asked what he’d do for women’s rights and equality, he added, “Other candidates in this race have donated to the opponents of women’s equality. That’s a clear choice and I’m running for City Council to expand on our progress- to fully fund Planet Parenthood if President Trump and Congressional Republicans threaten Planned Parenthood’s operations, I vow to fight for for full contraceptive coverage options for all women…”
He also understands the need for more balance in government with more women representation.
“I support and know the dire need to promote qualified women running for office, that’s why I’ve made financial contributions towards two of my colleagues in government who I feel have the experience to make a difference. We need proven grassroots leaders who are committed to protecting and expanding opportunities for women.” said Doyle on the issue.
In a crowded race, it will be interesting who emerges from the primaries later this year.
John Doyle isn’t part of the establishment, he isn’t the status quo,and has a proven track record as a grass-roots leader trusted by the community which is why we happily support his campaign.