It’s been a long time since we’ve seen a truly affordable housing opportunity on New York City’s Housing Connect portal but that has finally changed.
A new housing lottery has been launched for 135 brand new residential units at 1600 Grand Avenue in the Morris Heights section of The Bronx with rents as low as $616 a month for one bedroom units.
Amenities at the new development include a gym, a media room, outdoor areas, a recreation room, children’s room, an outdoor terrace all of which is pretty much standard in many new affordable housing developments in the borough.
Due to the fact that the development is accepting incomes as low as 30% of the Area Median Income, starting rents are pretty low with monthly rents starting for one bedroom apartments at $616 and two-bedroom units at $728.

Breakdown of available units and income requirements are as follows (see website for full details and household size requirements):
30% AMI
- $616 a month for 1 bedroom units for households making $24,446-$41,940
- $728 a month for 2 bedroom units for households making $29,349-$50,310
40% AMI
- $881 a month for 1 bedroom units for households making $33,532-$55,920
- $1,046 a month for 2 bedroom units for households making $40,252-$67,080
50% AMI
- $1,146 a month for 1 bedroom units for households making $42,618-$69,900
- $1,364 a month for 2 bedroom units for housholds making $51,155-$83,850
60% AMI
- $1,682 a month for 2 bedroom units for households making $62,058-$100,620
- $1,578 a month for 1 bedroom units for households making $64,115-$111,840
- $1,881 a month for 2 bedroom units for households making $68,880-$117,390
- $1,773 a month for 1 bedroom units for households making $64,115-$111,840
- $2,066 a month for 2 bedroom units for housholds making $75,223-$134,160
Please note, for each unit, there are other requirements such as number of people per household and further income requirements based on household size so refer to the Housing Connect website for further details.
How to Apply
For those interested in applying, you have until February 13, 2024 and you can do so online or you can request an application by mail by sending a self-addressed envelope to: Starhill Phase 1 c/0 Bronx Pro Group 1605 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Bronx, NY 10453
Remember, you can only apply ONCE and you may not apply both online and by mail. Applying more than once can and will disqualify you according to the lottery rules.
Also, please note: We are NOT connected with this or any other real estate developments and cannot assist you in obtaining an apartment so please do not contact us regarding these units.
Good luck to all who apply!
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