The blight once known as Spofford Juvenile Detention center in the Hunts Point neighborhood of The Bronx is no more and in its place a massive 740 unit, four building mixed-use development is rising.
Located at 720 Tiffany Street, now, the first building at The Peninsula, as the development is called, is accepting applications for 164 truly affordable apartments.

While we often write about affordable housing units that are available and how they are usually not truly affordable for the immediate local community, this phase of The Peninsula is not one of these.
Apartments are available to households making 30, 40, 50, 60, and 80% of the Area Median Income with rents starting as low as $396 for studios, $503 for 1 bedrooms, $597 for two bedrooms, and $683 for three bedroom units.

Rents gradually increase at the higher income ranges but overall are still well below market rate.
Amenities include a community center, a children’s playroom, a gym, outdoor terraces, and bike storage lockers.

There will also be a 54,000 square foot plaza open to not just residents but the rest of the Hunts Point Community.
Once the development is complete, it will also include a black-box theater, art studio space for up and coming artists, space for The Point CDC and another location for Urban Health Plan, two institutions that have decades long roots within the Hunts Point community.

5% of units are set aside for individuals with mobility issues and 2% for those with vision and hearing impairments. A preference of 50% of units are for area residents living within Bronx Community Board 2 and 5% for NYC employees.
You have until February 21, 2022 to apply and you can do so online or by requesting an application by mail by sending a self-addressed envelope to: Peninsula Building 1B C/O MHANY Management Inc. 470 Vanderbilt Ave. 9th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11238 but remember you can ONLY apply once either online or by mail but NOT both. Applying more than once can and will have you disqualified.

Also, please remember, do NOT contact Welcome2TheBronx regarding this or any other development. We are not connected with this or any real estate development and are simply reporting the news.
Good luck to all who apply!