Two Bronx zip codes covering a large swath of East Bronx neighborhoods have shown a spike in positivity rates for COVID-19.
According to the list, which was made public by Governor Cuomo’s office, 10462, covering Parkchester and parts of Pelham Parkway and Morris Park showed a 3% positivity rate with 7 positive tests out of 266.
10465 covering Throggs Neck and Country Club, had a 4% positivity rate with 5 out of 140 tests coming back positive for COVID-19.
While the numbers may not seem high, they can indicate a community spread and the State will target these areas immediately to prevent such an outbreak.
We simply cannot return to the dark days of March and April where we lost thousands of lives just here in The Bronx while being the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic in not just the city but the country.

Now with indoor dining resuming and the colder weather coming pushing more activities indoor, it’s important to not let our guard down.