Democrats in the 14th congressional district spanning The Bronx and Queens didn’t fall for Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, a “former” Republican who’s campaign was well funded by her Republican husband, Trump supporters, and Wall Street.
Despite raising millions, Caruso-Cabrera’s attempt to fool people into thinking she was for them failed miserably at the polls yesterday as preliminary results shows that Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez swept the floor to victory in a landslide win.
When I won in 2018, many dismissed our victory as a “fluke.”
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) June 24, 2020
Our win was treated as an aberration, or bc my opponent “didn’t try.”
So from the start, tonight’s race was important to me.
Tonight we are proving that the people’s movement in NY isn’t an accident. It‘s a mandate.
For the past two years, critics of AOC have claimed that her defeat of party boss Crowley was a fluke but yesterday’s victory proved that it was anything but.
Many Bronx residents, mostly Trump supporters, along with Michelle Caruso-Cabrera have made up false claims about Ocasio-Cortez ranging from her never being present in the district or in The Bronx to simple gross ad hominen attacks on her “intelligence” or being a former bartender.

Basically all braindead talking points from Fox and Trump supporters that aren’t based in reality but their delusional minds.
During the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the coronavirus, AOC has fed thousands of Bronx families through food deliveries to the most vulnerable in her district with the help of volunteers and local organizations like Loving The Bronx.
She has held many townhall meetings in our borough, is constantly seen by locals near her home in Parkchester or grabbing a bite at a local spot.
For someone who is supposedly absent from her district she sure is spotted quite frequently there.
While the general election in November is still months away, we can safely say that the real winners are the residents of congressional district 14.