An empty lot sitting on the Grand Concourse at the corner of E Burnside in Mount Hope may soon give way to a new 13-story affordable housing development.
The problem is that if approved, it will ruin the beautiful character of the Grand Concourse.

Plans for 2050 Grand Concourse show an 86,060 square foot building rising 13 stories above the famed boulevard and will have 93 units.
According to YIMBY, 23 of those units will go to low-income families with the balance of the 55 units set aside for supportive housing.
This is one of the many reasons why we need the entire Grand Concourse designated as a landmark so that we may protect its architectural heritage.

Of course we can’t stop development happening but at the very least, architects should design buildings that blend in harmoniously with its surroundings.
This is not one of them.
No timeline has been set for construction.