Ever find the perfect frames only to not have them sit quite so perfectly on your face because, like me, one ear may be slightly higher than the other? Well thanks to Metro Optics, our favorite eye care spot in The Bronx, that’s one less hassle for you to worry about.
Through the magic of 3D printing (because let’s face it, that pretty much looks like magic even though it’s science) and a cool selection of Roger Bacon eyewear, the Dutch company who offers the 3D printed specs via Metro Optics, you can finally get the frames your face deserves!
But seriously, The Bronx may be known for all the sneaker heads that live here but we’re also very much into our eyewear and that’s where Metro Optics comes in with their selection of literally hundreds of different frames to choose from but let’s focus on the Roger Bacon 3D specs.

The frames themselves are pretty simple looking but that’s where I think they kinda rock because, well, less is more. The color selection is pretty cool with a bright red, blues, and dark charcoal grays in the mix.
Now how does the customization work you ask? Well, a trained technician at Metro Optics takes a scan of your face (actually your entire head) that turns the images it takes into a 3D virtual reality digital model of yourself.
Once that’s complete, you can look at a larger screen and see what different frames and colors will look on you and since it’s a 3D image of you, you get a much clearer picture of what it will look like.
And it’s this same avatar of yourself that allows for the customization of the frames from the bridge of the glasses to the temple length which are tailored to your exact face allowing for the most perfect fit you can get and the frames are super lightweight too so you’re getting the ultimate in comfort too.
Once the order is placed, your specs are 3D printed over in The Netherlands (Shout out to the other place with THE in their name) and then shipped back to Metro Optics where you can pick up the final product.
This technology is available at Metro Optic’s flagship store at the Throggs Neck Shopping Center or their Westchester Square location (the ONLY other place you can get these in the New York Metro area is at a shop on Long Island!) so if you’re interested, head on over and check it out along with the other hundreds of frames their offer on top of some of the best quality eye care you’ll get in our borough.