Image ©Michelle V Higgins/New York Times
It should come to nobody’s surprise that when Majora Carter and crew are met with opposition, she stoops to bullying and flat out harassment.
Recently, she began an attack against a Bronx feminist group, Odiosas, for alerting a group that was scheduled to appear at her Hunts Point cafe on Carter’s policies on pushing polluting industries on our communities and her pro gentrification stance.
We, as South Bronx Unite, issued the following statement:
South Bronx Unite Stands in Solidarity with Hydro Punk and Las Odiosas – Attacked for Principled Stance against Self-Gentrification
Recently, HydroPunk, in coordination with local feminist group, Las Odiosas, withdrew from a scheduled appearance at Majora Carter’s Boogie Down Grind coffee shop in Hunts Point in objection to Majora’s “self-gentrification” initiatives. The groups have now described harassment by Majora and her husband, James Chase, in response to their position.
South Bronx Unite has, likewise, experienced the aggressive tactics of the Majora Carter Group and affiliated entities in connection with our opposition to a $140 million subsidy to FreshDirect to relocate to Mott Haven-Port Morris, adding 1,000 additional diesel truck trips through our “asthma alley” neighborhood every day and relying on a 21 year old environmental impact statement.
Majora and James told us they would charge $500/hr to talk with us about environmental justice in the South Bronx, while chasing FreshDirect for a contract to assist in the diesel trucking company’s entrance into the community.
They created a shadow twitter account called “South Bronx Untie” to confuse our followers.
They tried to foment division by dangling opportunities for access and visibility (ie TedX) and setting up private meetings between local EJ orgs and the FreshDirect CEO without inviting us. Most of this was unsuccessful – even Majora’s own Sustainable South Bronx wound up supporting our position.
And they bullied and threatened lawsuits against community members critical of Majora’s role with FreshDirect.
Ultimately, Majora’s one year contract wasn’t renewed with FreshDirect, but the damage and division she carelessly fostered for her own personal gain remains breathtaking.
Hydro Punk made a conscious decision to withdraw from hosting their event at Majora’s business, and that should be respected.
FreshDirect Hires Majora Carter to Round Up Local Support
for Bronx Move (DNAInfo, 10/1/12) – “Carter spent several weeks this summer
“kicking the tires” at FreshDirect before signing a one-year contract to help
the company”
FreshDirect hires
Majora Carter (Mott Haven Herald, 9/28/12)
“Carter has a one-year contract to consult with FreshDirect
said Chase [Majora’s husband]. He bristled when asked how much she was being
paid. ‘They’re a private company and so is the Majora Carter Group. It’s
nobody’s business,’ he said.”
Hero of the Bronx Is
Now Accused of Betraying It (NYT, 4/4/13)
“Because she [Majora Carter] had started her career fighting
truck traffic, he [Mychal Johnson] believed she would share their concerns
about traffic and pollution from the relocated fleet of delivery trucks. But as
he waited on the sidewalk to ask for her help, an office worker opened the door
just wide enough to tell him to put his request in writing. More than a week
passed after Mr. Johnson and his group, South Bronx Unite, sent an e-mail
inviting Ms. Carter to meet. Then the answer arrived. She would be happy to
meet — for her usual rate of $500 for new clients.”
racism’: Bronx activists decry Fresh Direct’s impact on air quality
(Guardian, 3/9/15) – “White and minority Americans breathe different quality
air, with the latter exposed to 38% higher levels of nitrogen dioxide. And it
is decisions like the one to place trucking operations for Fresh Direct in the
Bronx, says activist group South Bronx Unite, that exacerbate the problem.”
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