Developers Somerset Partners and the Chetrit Group who are planning as many as six 25 story residential market rate towers (of which 3 have already been filed with the Department of Buildings for construction) has put up a new billboard proclaiming the area of Port Morris as the ‘Piano District’.
The billboard is prominently aimed at Manhattan and drivers who are heading home to the posh suburbs of Westchester County and Connecticut as they head on home, easily viewing the sign.

The billboard promises, luxury waterfront living, world-class dining, fashion, art, and architecture in a neighborhood where the majority are living well below the poverty line and are fighting for their very lives as they suffer health disparities disproportionately more than others across the city.
Welcome to the tale of Two Bronxs thanks in part to greedy developers and a borough president who has been pushing the rebranding of our borough as if his life and career depends on it (the later which is the reality).
As our communities battle the highest rates of asthma in the country, HIV, heart disease, diabetes, poor access to green space, lack of quality education, poor environment, unemployment, insufficient youth programs, here we have these developers essentially laughing in our faces and pushing luxury living that will be surrounded by poverty and people living in cramped and poor conditions in public housing.
This, coupled with the gentrification party that is being touted as a Halloween party is simply disgusting and insulting to the existing community that has been fighting for equality for decades and the improvements of our borough.
It’s an insult to those who stayed and rebuilt this neighborhood and our borough only to have developers come and bring in residents because it’s “ok now”.
We deserve so much better than what is being planned for the waterfront and sure developers can do whatever they want but they need to take a long hard look at Melrose and organizations like Nos Quedamos who halted such endeavors of creating luxury living and displacing residents.
Developers such as WHEDco who actually take the time and years to work with the existing community to design and develop properties that the community truly wants and needs.
Thanks to all the sellouts in our borough particularly the king of them all or rather the jester—Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr for leading the rebranding parade.
How dare these developers not only push something into the community that us generally not wanted but how dare they try and change our names.
This is not the way to be good neighbors and it’s a hell of a lousy start.
Development isn’t bad but when a community is left out completely, it becomes something that separates our space into an us and them situation rather than creating a unified community.
I’m all for mixed income neighborhoods as long as displacement doesn’t occur and as long as developers and new residents respect the existing culture and people who live there.
Clearly these folks are not thinking along those lines.
[…] South Bronx Rebranding Begins With Billboard Proclaiming ‘The Piano District’ – Welcome 2 … […]
[…] developers Somerset Partners. The rave was to launch the re-branding of the South Bronx as the “Piano District” in the tradition of DUMBO, Hudson Heights, iTri and East Willamsburg. The event, which was […]
[…] Since the billboard went up almost 3 weeks ago and the tasteless gentrification party almost 2 weeks ago, residents from the South Bronx and The Bronx as whole have been outraged at the developers pushing for luxury housing in one of the poorest neighborhoods in the poorest congressional district of our country. […]
[…] Garcia Conde, who writes a blog entitled “Welcome to the Bronx” , said: “Development is not bad but when a community is left out completely, it becomes […]
[…] Garcia Conde, who writes a blog entitled “Welcome to the Bronx”, said: “Development isn’t bad but when a community is left out completely, it becomes something […]
[…] The billboard display heralding the coming of luxury waterfront living and a rebranding of a neighborhood while promising to bring in “world class dining, fashion, and art” for many was a sign that gentrification was coming in and fast. […]
[…] South Bronx has been through several waves and forms of investment, disinvestment, and is now being re-branded and redeveloped yet again. What’s at stake? How will the neighborhood change and how will […]
[…] between Chetrit Group and Somerset Partners for $349 million, the infamous group behind the failed attempt to rebrand parts of Port Morris as the Piano District not to mention the horrendous and tasteless party mocking The South Bronx during its burning […]
[…] from Lugo’s Flat Fix stand looking north, you can see clear to the so-called “Piano District,” where luxury towers will soon be […]
[…] artist Lucien Smith along with developer Keith Rubenstein of Somerset Partners who is trying to rebrand parts of Port Morris and Mott Haven as The Piano District in anticipation of up to six 25 story residential market rate towers along the South Bronx […]
[…] artist Lucien Smith along with developer Keith Rubenstein of Somerset Partners who is trying to rebrand parts of Port Morris and Mott Haven as The Piano District in anticipation of up to six 25 story residential market rate towers along the South Bronx […]