‘Here There, Acá Allá’ Explores the Duality of Living Between Two Cultures; Mexico & America


Saturday, August 29th, The Bronx Documentary Center will hold an opening reception for ‘Here There, Acá Allá’ which explores the experiences of living between two cultures and although the subject focuses on the Mexican-American experience, this is something that the majority of Bronx residents can relate to being that we are a borough of immigrants.

Whether you were raised in an Italian, Albanian, Jewish, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Ghanaian, Nigerian, Irish, or any immigrant household, this is an exhibition that many of us can relate to some capacity.

From the BDC:

Saturday, August 29, 2015 6-9PM

Free and Open to the Public

August 30 – September 13, 2015

Thursday through Friday 3–7PM
Saturday and Sunday 1-5PM

Here There, Acá Allá
Photographic dialogues between generations and cultures

Curated by Susana Arellano and Rafael Gamo

Here There, Acá Allá was possible through a collaborative effort between Mano a Mano: Mexican Culture Without Borders and Masa, with the goal of making art accessible to children in the South Bronx.

Here There, Acá Allá is an intergenerational photography workshop that brings together the first and second generations of participating Mexican-American immigrant families. The title refers to the dual experience of growing up and living between two cultures, using two languages and developing an enriched identity.

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Ed García Conde

Ed García Conde is a life-long Bronxite who spends his time documenting the people, places, and things that make the borough a special place in the hopes of dispelling the negative stereotypes associated with The Bronx. His writings are often cited by mainstream media and is often consulted for his expertise on the borough's rich history.