Reports came in from NY1 and The Daily News and Twitter of reports of an explosion at JFK High School in Marble Hill area of Manhattan (which is attached to The Bronx) ripping through 3 floors of the building. Mike Allen of The Bronx said on twitter, “Blast was incredibly loud, shook my apartment even on 18th floor.”
“A gas line explosion blasted through a Bronx high school on Thursday night, injuring three workers building a science lab, authorities said.
The explosion happened at 8:09 p.m. on Terrace View Ave. at the John F. Kennedy High School in Marble Hill, firefighters said.
Seven workers were in the building to work on the lab, police sources said. The explosion happened while contractors were working on a gas main in the school.
The blast tore through the school’s fourth, fifth and sixth floors, causing major structural damage to the building, sources said.All three burn victims were taken to Jacobi Medical Center, where one is in critical condition and two others are in serious condition, fire officials said.”