Last week Donald Trump made disparaging remarks about Mexicans by saying in his bid for the 2016 Presidential election that Mexico is, “sending people that have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs, and bringing crime, and their rapists.”
Not only is this an insult to the Mexican community but it is an insult to The Bronx who is home to one of the largest Mexican populations along the East Coast.
Sign Petition To Urge New York City to Cancel Donald Trump’s Contract at Ferry Point Park In The Bronx After His Disparaging Remarks About Mexican-Americans.
It is also an insult to a borough that prides itself as a home for so many immigrants from all over the world, immigrants that work hard to achieve that American dream, immigrants that contribute to the taxes that paid for Trump’s Ferry Point Golf Course in our borough to the tune of $230 million. It is an insult to the borough with the highest Latino population in New York City.
Taxes paid by the very Mexican-American community which Trump insulted and funded his luxurious golf course that is out of the reach for most Bronxites.
Taxes that will pay the $300,000 a month water bill that the city has promised to foot.
If Trump has such disdain for Mexicans, and immigrants overall, then he should relinquish his holding at Ferry Point Golf Course and give the land back to the people to whom it belongs.
The Bronx and its residents can surely use more parkland so why not?
With its exorbitant prices, the city should just cancel their contract with Trump and make it a true municipal golfing facility.
Of course this is a pipe dream and won’t really ever happen but what if we demanded our land back that we helped finance?
After all, if it’s built with our money on our land, isn’t it ours?
If Trump doesn’t respect our residents then he surely doesn’t belong making money off our backs let alone in our borough.
Maybe our borough president Ruben Diaz Jr should jump in line with Univision, NBC and all others who are dumping Trump and do the same?
Instead of playing tee time with Trump, he should be dumping Trump and defending his Bronxites of Mexican descent that make The Bronx a great place to call home.
[…] On Monday when we started the petition calling for New York City to cancel the contract with Donald Trump at Ferry Point Golf Course after his disparaging remarks and factually incorrect remarks about Mexican immigrants, we thought it was just a pipe dream that we would be heard and listened to. […]
[…] Golf Course after his disparaging remarks and factually incorrect remarks about Mexican immigrants, we thought it was just a pipe dream that we would be heard and listened to (click the link to sign the petition […]
[…] petition was started by Bronx blogger and activist Ed Garcia Conde. He says that Trump insulted the Mexican community and the Bronx, […]
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[…] Informations on that Topic: welcome2thebronx.com/wordpress/2015/06/29/trumps-insult-to-the-mexican-community-is-an-insult-to-the-bronx/ […]