A menacing coyote terrified Riverdale residents on Thursday — including Steven Spielberg’s sister, who called 911 to keep the “predator” from attacking her poodle.
Nancy Spielberg, 58, a documentary producer and the younger sister of the “Jaws” director, was spooked when she spotted the hungry beast prowling in her back yard and staring down her 3-year-old pooch, Rambo, at about 11:30 a.m.
“He was a big one. He hung out for a long time in the back yard. He was staring at my dog through the window,” Nancy Spielberg said.
“I don’t really feel safe letting my dog out at night. I feel really uneasy. I’m an animal lover. I love all sorts of animals, but this one felt like a predator, like he couldn’t be rehabilitated. He was out in the daytime watching us for a very long time.”
via Coyote spooks Steven Spielberg’s sister in Bronx | New York Post.
It almost seems like coyotes are becoming all too common in The Bronx!