The Bronx is getting closer its 1970 population peak of 1,471,701 before the great decline began now placing the population at 1,430 million as of 2014.
New data released by the Census Bureau reveals that The Bronx is among the top 50 areas and counties in the country that grew numerically in population between 2013 and 2014 with a gain of nearly 11,000. According to the data, Brooklyn (19,000), and Queens (18,000) were also among the top 50 in the nation.
This shouldn’t come as a surprise to Bronx residents since so many new developments, the majority being affordable housing, continuing to open year after year bringing more and more people into the borough where once vacant, lots were the norm in the South Bronx.

With so many more developments in the pipeline such as the massive La Central in Melrose with almost 1,000 units scheduled to break ground by the end of the year, Crossroads Plaza at 149th Street in Mott Haven will bring over 400 units in 3 phases already under construction, and the mega 10 building Compass Residences in Crotona Park East, also under construction, bringing 1,300 units once complete. These developments are only a fraction of what’s planned and or being constructed in The Bronx and doesn’t include pending market rate developments.

Between the burning years of the 70’s and 80’s, The Bronx lost over 300,000 residents by the 1980 census — or 20.6% of our population. By 1990 our population began growing by a modest 3% with the biggest increase between 1990-2000 when the 2000 census recorded a 10.7% increase in population.
What do you think about this population growth? Where do you think this will lead?
Read more at NY1: Census Data: NYC Population Continues to Grow, but Upstate Population Shrinking
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