Media Advisory
South Bronx Residents and South Bronx Unite Rally Against FreshDirect
Groundbreaking at the Harlem River Yard
Proposed relocation of Fresh Direct to South Bronx would add over a thousand
diesel truck trips each day to a community with sky-high asthma rates.
Monday, December 22nd at 9:45am
What: FreshDirect has planned a little-publicized “groundbreaking ceremony” at the Harlem River Yard, the site where it seeks to build a 500,000 sf diesel trucking operation. Dozens of local residents and community-based organizations will rally outside the Yard to make clear that the local community is opposed to this development.
Just last month, hundreds of local residents testified at a hearing in opposition to state subsidies for the project. Not a single local resident provided testimony in favor of the project. The ceremony takes place as city-wide actions call attention to decades of mistreatment of low-income communities and communities of color, including environmental injustices.
Who: South Bronx Unite
Community residents and organizations from the South Bronx
Allied organizations and individuals
When: Monday, December 22nd, 9:45 am
Where: Harlem River Yard entrance – St. Ann’s Avenue and East 132nd Street, Bronx NY
Contact: Stephanie Ramirez
(212) 784-5704 or (917) 725-1468
Gigi Kwon
(212) 784-5706 or (646) 660-4952
Mychal Johnson – South Bronx Unite
(212) 810-0562