From Martin Kleinman‘s The Real New Yorkers:
“As I write this, the rain falls on a cold and dreary day and that, I suppose, is as it should be, for a Real New Yorker has fallen.
There is no great tragedy when a person dies at 85 — at least that is what some would have you believe. The common wisdom is that the death of a child, or young adult is, somehow, sadder, because of all the promise that lays ahead in life and because the pain of the parents resonates so fully. Children should not pre-decease their parents.
But what of the 85 year old who never really “gets old,” who never stops learning, or living? We know so many who suffer from “Glory Days” syndrome, to borrow the title of the Bruce Springsteen song. That is to say, those who reached life’s pinnacle in high school, or on the gridiron, oozing with the power and vitality of youth. Too many of us willingly embrace the diminishment of the years and comfortably curtail our ability — and desire — to keep learning, growing, and staying in the game.
Not Elaine Katz, though.”
via A Real New Yorker Falls | The Real New Yorkers.
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