Last week we reported about News 12 The Bronx anchor Matt Pieper and reporter Amy Yensi’s on-the-air snafu while they thought they were on commercial break. During the incident, there was an exchange which many found offensive where Matt Pieper was relaying a message to reporter Amy Yensi and said, “David wants you to also mention that parents do their [f—ing] jobs and walk their little kids and not rely on everyone else kind of like people rely on government assistance for their entire lives, bye Felicia.” Then he said he, “added that part of government assistance but it’s true. Then Amy Yensi proceeds to say, “Hashtag EBT!”
Immediately after the incident an apology was issued by News 12 stating that statements made in now way reflected the station’s views but after that there was radio silence on the subject. Then Amy Yensi and Matt Pieper’s News 12 Twitter accounts disappeared and so did their profiles from the News 12 News Team page on the web.
Today, Matt Pieper announced on Twitter the following statement:
“As a professional who has spent his entire career delivering the news, I understand the importance of sharing the facts. The situation that transpired on September 24th was extremely unfortunate and I feel the need to communicate what occurred and clear the air. The incident was broadcast accidentally when we were supposed to be in a commercial break, not on the air. Someone in the control room spoke into my earpiece and asked me to relay a message to our reporter out in the field. These were not my own thoughts or profanities. In relaying that information, I made a poor decision in my choice of words and for that I apologize. I could have communicated what I was asked to get across in a different manner and under the pressure of doing my job in real time I made a mistake. I have been a stalwart advocate for equality and diversity in the workplace, within my own family and in my community. I apologize to anyone I offended and assure you that this situation—which has cost me my job—was truly just a mistake in relaying a message, and not a representation of my views or character.”
What do you think of the entire situation? Did it warrant Pieper losing his job? What about this mysterious “David”? Does he still have a job?
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