Unfortunately this is isn’t news to Bronx residents and in particular, the people of the South Bronx: Schools located in lower income neighborhoods are severely lacking in Arts Education or do not have any arts-based programs at all.
A new report issued by New York City Comptroller, Scott M. Stringer, shows that The Bronx and Brooklyn account for nearly 50% of schools without an arts program. The report, which identifies schools throughout the city that suffer the same fate is a first step in rectifying the situation.
The Gothamist points out:
“The benefits of arts education are many: in addition to higher GPAs and test scores cited in the Comptroller’s report, studies from the National Institutes of Health and Americans For The Arts have shown that arts education helps with motor skills, language development, decision-making, visual learning, creativity and inventiveness, and cultural awareness.”
You can download the full PDF report here.
Is your child in a school without an arts program? Let us know!