While Bronxites and countless New Yorkers know that if they want the best Italian experience in the city you avoid Manhattan’s Little Italy, many do not know to come to Arthur Avenue in Belmont the Bronx.
The BBC has published an interesting video report (link to video at the bottom of the story) on the changing faces of Belmont, something which many readers and Bronxites have commented on.
Thanks to former Bronxite, Steven Springer, Senior Executive Producer of Voice of America for the heads up on this wonderful story. (Check out the beautiful aerial photograph of the Bronx on Springer’s page! Talk about a proud Bronxite!)
The changing face of New York’s real Little Italy
8 January 2014 Last updated at 01:45 GMT
While tourists in New York may get a tiny taste of Italian-American life by visiting the official Little Italy in Manhattan, for the full feast they must visit a neighbourhood in the Bronx.
For generations Arthur Avenue has been home to thousands of immigrants who crossed the Atlantic but never forgot their homeland. The sounds and smells in the traditional butchers, bakers and pasta makers are all reminiscent of the old country.
But there is also a new wave of Italian immigrants in New York coming to America in search of a better life.
The new arrivals tend to be fluent in English and better-educated. However, unlike their predecessors, fewer emigrate with whole families and choose to settle in the same communities as other Italians.
Produced by the BBC’s Anna Bressanin
Altered States is a series of video features published every Wednesday on the BBC News website which examine how shifting demographics and economic conditions affect America on a local level.
Check out the short video here!
Oh and don’t forget to visit our friends at the Bronx Beer Hall! One time I was up there, Alan Alda showed up and just sat right down!