A question first and only asked here 5 months ago has been answered.
On March 19th I asked our readership, “Will a Bronxite Bring Down Stop & Frisk?” and this morning judge Shira A. Scheindlin ruled, in a 195 page decision, that the controversial policy violated the Fourth Amendment as well as 14th Amendment.
The New York Times reported that Judge Scheindlin…:
“…emphasized what she called the “human toll of unconstitutional stops,” noting that some of the plaintiffs testified that their encounters with the police left them feeling that they did not belong in certain areas of the cities. She characterized each stop as “a demeaning and humiliating experience.
”“No one should live in fear of being stopped whenever he leaves his home to go about the activities of daily life,” the judge wrote.”
The ruling also calls for a Federal monitor to oversee the NYPD’S practice and even goes as far to order that police officers are to participate in a pilot program where they will be required to wear cameras which will record their stops.
How do you feel about this ruling? Do you feel justice has been served and our rights are now protected? How do you think this will impact crime in the city? Will it increase, decrease or stay the same?
A big THANK YOU is in order for David Floyd for having the courage to pursue the fight against this racist policy.
For those of us opposed to Stop & Frisk, we have a lot to thank him for today.