This morning I was looking at some stats for Welcome2TheBronx and noticed that someone landed on the website by searching for, “why can’t the Bronx be more like Brooklyn” . Well that person probably wasn’t expecting my post where they landed. In the simplest terms: WE DON’T WANNA BE LIKE BROOKLYN!
Don’t get me wrong, Brooklyn isn’t a bad place but we just simply have a lot more flavor than that other borough has going. The neighborhoods closest to Manhattan have already been diluted to the point that their identities have merged with Manhattan as if resistance is futile (Think the Borg). Why should we give that up?
We have Arthur Avenue, our Little Italy that makes Mulberry Street look like the Olive Garden. City Island, that little nautical New England-esque treasure in the Sound, a seafood lover’s delight (sorry Red Lobster but you might as well be imitation crab meat.
Oh and what about Melrose, Mott Haven, Morissania, Hunts Point, Longwood, Port Morris, Highbridge and others that are lumped together by those not in the know as The South Bronx? You know, that neighborhood that birthed music from Mambo to Hip Hop – if it wasn’t for the Boogie Down, Jay-Z wouldn’t have had the opportunity to play at the Barclay Center in his home borough of Brooklyn: You’re welcome.
I can go on and on but then I’d be bragging so, fuhgeddaboudit. As some would say, “Don’t get it twisted. We love the Bronx and wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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