The Bronx has always been a home of immigrants looking to start their journey in our country and today we bring you three stories from around the web.
New York Regional Chief of the Ashanti From Ghana Is Installed
Our borough is home to the largest population of the African diaspora and Ghanaians make up the lion’s share of this diverse group which is why last month a chief was installed to serve the Ghanaian community. Nana Acheampong-Tieku was officially raised as chief in a colorful and elaborate ceremony bringing a bit of Africa to the Bronx.
Read all about it and catch some great photos of the event: New York Times
Emerald Isle Immigration CENTER (EIIC) Threatened By Budget Cuts
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A little known fact is that the Bronx is home to one of the largest Irish communities in New York City tucked away in the northwestern neighborhoods of Norwood and Woodlawn. The EIIC is currently between a rock and a hard place as it faces cuts in funding while demand for its services have increased. A fundraiser is scheduled tomorrow and another one on Sunday, June 10th to raise necessary funds to keep their programs running.
Irish Central has more information on this story as well as details on the fundraisers.
Honduran Soccer League Unable To Use New Soccer Field They Fought For
Now this bit of news is a tad on the annoying side. Back in the 1990s, the Honduran community of the Bronx (which is more than double the size of any other borough) formed a soccer league to keep the kids off the street and active in the sport of their homeland.
The league eventually grew much larger and within time grew to 25 teams of not just Hondurans but members of the African and Central American communities.
Together they fought and lobbied the Parks Department to get the city to build a soccer field at Crotona Park. Finally, the field has been built but the soccer league which was the reason the field was built in the first place, are not allowed to play there.
Find out why and other details at DNAinfo.
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