You hear it all the time from those against immigration and would like to curtail it: “Immigrants are lazy, they sponge off the government” or “They’re just a bunch of freeloaders. ”
We in the Bronx – a borough of immigrants, know this to not be true and here’s more proof to the naysayers: Immigrants are becoming small business owners at a much faster rate than their counterparts.
This is a phenomenon that isn’t just on a local level but on a national level as well according to the Daily News. Statistics show that almost half of entrepreneurs in the city are foreign born. That’s pretty amazing considering they account for 36% of the population.
However, Bronxites shouldn’t be surprised because we are a borough of mom and pop shops, Dominican owned bodegas, restaurants and taxi companies, Mexican owned laundromats, bodegas and restaurants and of course, our own Bronx grown Golden Crust, the Jamaican food franchise that grew from one lonely restaurant on Gun Hill Road 23 years ago and today is a 120 franchise restaurant with 1,600 employees and $100 million in sales.
Be sure to read more in the Daily News.