Casita Maria To Showcase Largest Exhibition Of Photographer Ricky Flores Work


This not to be missed event tomorrow at Casita Maria will sure be yet another cultural milestone for the Bronx. The works of famed and award winning photographer, Ricky Flores – one of the Seis del Sur, will be on display in his largest exhibit to date with over 150 photographs.

Flores is a born and bred Bronxite who documented the devastation that the Bronx endured during the 80s and a true inspiration which we can be proud of so don’t forget to come out and join the festivities!

Thursday, April 26th
Casita Maria
928 Simpson Street
Bronx, NY
Subway: 2 and 5 trains to Simpson St
6 train to Hunts Point

Ed García Conde

Ed García Conde is a life-long Bronxite who spends his time documenting the people, places, and things that make the borough a special place in the hopes of dispelling the negative stereotypes associated with The Bronx. His writings are often cited by mainstream media and is often consulted for his expertise on the borough's rich history.