Bronx Resident Reports From Iraq: Reflects On End Of The 8 Year War

Mike Kamber, renowned photojournalist and Melrose resident, is currently on assignment in Iraq reporting on the close of the Iraqi War. His latest entry in the New York Times is a bittersweet chronology of emotions during that time spent covering the seemingly endless battles, deaths and all the ills that go along with war.

Kamber has put his life on the line one too many times during these past 8 years simply to ensure that the world sees firsthand, through his eyes, or lense if you will, the atrocities of armed conflict.


Just this morning, a little over an hour ago he reported that, “63 dead in baghdad today, coordinated bombings across the city. nearly impossible to work. if cameras were bombs, this place would be completely safe. can’t even shoot from the hip” on his facebook page.

Read his account in the link below:

Image: Bronx Documentary Center in Melrose on Courtlandt Avenue, founded by Mike Kamber

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