From Welcome2Melrose:
Bronx Social Media Week was celebrated this past Tuesday, February 8th in Melrose and hosted at PeaceLove Café by Clarisel Gonzalez of PRSun Communications. Panelists included an excellent representation of Bronxites such as Mark Callendar of BronxMedia, Nicole Perrino, founder of Bronx Mama, BronxTalk’s Gary Axelbank, and myself, founder and editor-in-chief of Welcome2Melrose as well as Welcome2TheBronx and mynewyork.
Instead of boring you with my own personal details of the event and for the sake of trying to be as unbiased as possible, feel free to read more on the event by Shannon Lee Gilstad who attended the event and wrote about the evening from her own point of view.
Thanks for mentioning me! My poor camera died mid-event and I still have not downloaded the few photos that I got. You guys did an incredible job! I am also partial to the Bronx, of course. I had so many ideas going through my head, that I wrote until 3 AM. An excellent night overall.